Have you heard about the NMN yet?

The Neurodiversity Media Network is a collaborative media entity, built on a foundation of accessibility.

Innovation comes from experimentation, and thus, everything about this platform is an experiment.

Regardless of how you consume your media, we’ve got a format for you.

The shows themselves are meant to be a masterclass-style buffet of information. Business, personal, spiritual, history, philosophy, and current events. (And those are just some of the topics I have booked.)

Our experts are genuinely at the top of their field, and not just on Twitter. 🙃

These are people who know things, and fix stuff.

Every day, I get to talk to someone creating something that will fundamentally change how we think about how things work.

We’re talking about building relationships, so that your sales, marketing, and operations don’t suck.

We’re talking about work, and how to fix it.

We’re talking about very clear steps to unlearn the culture we currently live in.

We’re talking about magic and mayhem and making a whole ass life, because we’re ready to have a conversation with some nuance for a change.

We need your support to continue this work.

Sadly, there’s no tote bag, or t-shirt. There is a pretty nifty avatar frame though, so that’s not nothing!

In order to make the NMN financially viable we need your paid monthly subscription. This allows us to hire the support necessary to get transcripts and audio recordings out ASAP.

In addition to helping us create better, more accessible media, paid subscribers get access to TWO private weekly streams with your host, Briar Harvey.

On the Anti-Productivity Show, we’ll be taking deep dives into the tools that are going to “change your life.” Most of them won’t. 🤷🏽‍♀️ That’s why we’re doing all the work, so you don’t have to.

Then, on This Week In, you’ll get a short breakdown of all the things we talked about over the week, plus a look at the news stories of the week that are worth paying attention to.

Who’s Briar, anyway?

Briar Harvey is a storyteller and systems witch. She believes that everything has a story and exists within a system. The trick then, is figuring out how to change the rules, and tell a better story. She is an IDEA Consultant (that's Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility) with a focus on Neurodivergence (that's ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, etc). She helps companies create and implement accessibility plans that increase employee retention by at least 50%.

In her free time, she writes stuff and records podcasts. She’s the founder of The Neurodiversity Media Network, a collaborative and accessible media company that is hosting and curating all the news that is relevant to neurodivergent folks. Find her at briarharvey.com

And what’s it all for?

True learning isn’t something you can squeeze into a checkbox in your daily routine.

It’s not about time, either.

It’s about the depth of focus.

It requires a deliberate commitment to stretch yourself, to feel into the uncomfortable stuff, and to grow.

And it requires the right kind of teacher, too.

So I decided to build a network full of actual experts. You probably don’t know a lot of their names. But they’ve all been building incredible bodies of work, for years, not internet minutes.

Your paid support means that you are on the cutting edge of not just exploring this work collectively, but also amplifying these incredible voices.

Because they have chosen to stay curious, to experiment with their lives, and to learn as much from the failures as they do from the successes.

Please join us on this journey.

Your paid subscription tells us that we’re on the right track.

Okay, fine. We’ll think about the tote bags, too.

Subscribe to Neurodiversity Media Network

A podcast network for the human condition.


I have cats. And podcasts. Working at the intersection of media, AI, and neurodiversity. All of my systems are nervous systems.