
Creating Your Connection Capital w/ Alice Miriam

Episode 1: Getting Started

and hello hello hello and welcome I am Briar Harvey this is the neurodiversity media Network and today I am with the stunning Alice Miriam for the premiere episode of creating your connection capital and we are so we've talked a lot about building communities and how we do that and now I want to take it into the practical business side and Alice is amazing at that so we're going to talk about best practices today how you build how you structure what you do to create those connections that are required to build a business hello Alice well hello Breyer thank you so much for doing this with me I'm very excited about what we're going to be talking about today it's going to be amazing I always we have fun when we chat together so uh you know we might get out of control y'all so you'll just have to bear with us now

so let's talk about what it looks like to build an audience an audience is different from a community right let's start there what is the difference between a community and an audience foreign well you know that's kind of at the core of what building your connection capital is all about right is that it's it's really it's a journey that you're on with people so audience is sort of that first level [Music] um where people are aware that you exist um so they're people that are you know it may be in your space or they could be people that are connected to people that are in your space right and they somehow will come in contact with your name with your content um even maybe with your products or Services they somehow um come into contact that really could be considered your audience and I know that maybe runs counter to a lot of what you might hear where your audience are you know oh you have this many followers and that's your audience on Instagram or Facebook or whatever that is um but that's not always that's not your only audience right your audience says people can share your content out they'll share your stuff and so people that aren't following you still come into contact with it right so that all of that extension is part of your audience part of the thing that people see you right and they know you exist

so if

it's about

ships audience is about building visibility absolutely so you're building up your visibility but you're doing it in a really specific way because you are still thinking about what that that Community aspect right because connection Capital At Its core is really rooted um in rest um um in a mutual investment in in a relationship right so as you start with that audience you have to have that big picture goal in mind of what that next step level of the relationship is so you're starting with the bigger picture and the knowledge in mind that you are going to take them on this journey to create that Community with the very right people for that community reciprocity reciprocity I was like I it's there and then it left me hello ADHD brain thank you very much you're welcome and I saw it and went oh I know what word that was so and it's the right word you're you're giving something to someone as they take something away and they give something to you so how do you build reciprocity into your audience relationships oh that's a really good question and here's and here's the answer that people don't is it depends right um it depends on it depends on your goals it depends on your business what kind of business do you have so there's a lot of things and that's one of the biggest sort of myths out there biggest issues that I see is that you can't follow this cookie cutter thing and expect to get the best results for yourself and when we can all kind of start our journey that way right like start sort of oh this person did this let me try that you know so testing is a big part of it testing the things that are going to work for you and for your people but so every every audience every Community is unique to a lot of things it's Unique to you and your personality who you are it's Unique to who those ideal clients that audience is for you and then you mix in their specific goals your specific goals your businesses goals like there's all sort of all sorts of things that will have an impact on what that looks like for you and so it's almost it's just as much of when we talk about a journey for um your clients for your audience it's just as much of a journey for you as um as the business owner which is something I think a lot of people don't talk about like this is a journey for you too you are learning and growing you don't like while it's really great to have the big picture in mind and sort of understand um what your goals are and how things work and having uh having the right expectations that's a big one how that works um but if you have that bigger picture understanding then you can move forward with a bit more confidence of okay I can test this out right you can put out this information without it being like oh I can't put anything out until I have it exactly right no put it out there see what happens you are allowed to change and grow okay I think actually that's where we start Alice expectations what are the appropriate expectations for one to have when building an audience what does that look like how do you monitor that like how do you build I think

and and let's be honest this is the guru's fall right like they say just build it and they will come just put a Facebook ad out and they will come just get on Tick Tock and you too can get 75 000 new followers just like I did in the last 60 days they don't talk about the machine behind all of those Enterprises and so I think people come into this with wildly

incorrect expectations they absolutely do and I'm so like the fact that you even just said about the gurus right because here's the thing it it can feel really overwhelming you can see I like I so I had a client and we set some really reasonable goals based on where they were at a journey right now for audience development that's some really clear goals and like the results matched up exactly with what those goals were and yet that client was really disappointed and I was so confused I'm like we set these goals we talked about it and you actually exceeded the goal a little bit to a smidgen like that's a huge win and then a couple of weeks later on Facebook a mutual friend of mine and this client sir not friend but a mutual connection of mine and this clients posted some stuff on Facebook about you know how many people they got on their on their new funnel and how their 90 conversion rate and I'm like Ugh I'm like this is why they're disappointed because there's no context with that number can some people get a 90 conversion sure if they have a hot audience if they already have a lot of people in their space but is that where you are do you have a lot of people in your space and so a lot of times the gurus end up giving people false expectations because they're not giving context to the numbers they're putting out there oh I just got this person this month much things um there was a person uh I was browsing someone's blog and they had this post about um you know how this challenge they ran got them X number of New Leads right and they had a little screenshot with you know how many this week 1000 or whatever it was and I was like oh that's that's that's I I know this person so I happen to know that they already had a challenge that they tweaked and they took all the people from the other Challenge and funnel them into the new challenge they posted about it in their group which had a couple thousand people in it already right and so they drove hot traffic there but if you don't know that about this person then you think oh I could get a thousand new people if I do this challenge or what but is that where you are do you already have these hot people ready to go and so there has been a huge disservice from the gurus right because here's the thing they do have the audience they do have the numbers to get that many leads but how did they get there like social media changes and evolve so very quickly you know it was you know 10 years ago running Facebook ads was like printing your own money okay right I saw a friend who had a post up from 2018 teen and was talking about her I believe like 17 Cent CTR and I'm like 2018 right you can't expect those kinds of numbers anymore and people are generally being dishonest about the real world expectations so how do you create those expectations for yourself what are you looking at what are the leading and lagging indicators that we can kind of use to define what's going to make this work well you know what the first thing that you have to do is I mean you can certainly look at what some of the gurus are doing they're doing some stuff right they built Their audience in the past but don't get misguided on the fact that that a lot of the results they have now are from the momentum that they've built from before it continues to move forward and so don't get disheartened because that means that it's possible for you to build that kind of momentum it may take a little bit longer now to build that momentum than it used to um it it may take you may need to learn a few more things in order to make that happen but if you're consistent then their potential to build momentum is there because that's one of the biggest things that happens is that we get disappointed because we have this big expectation and we don't see the results and so we give up or we change direction right like that's one of the biggest reasons people yo-yo with what their business is and what their key messages are or what kind of content or what services they're offering they yo-yo because they put some stuff out and they don't get the results they think they should get and so they start it over again and it's just this constant cycle of starting over again and over again and then you lose the very things that the gurus did in order to get where they are and that was be consistent and leverage every interaction to continue to build momentum on it no matter how small that interaction is so the first thing is don't don't look at other people's audiences and think well they did it why can't I do it because you don't know what they did to get that audience they could have bought them right do you want to pay for an audience do you want to buy stuff like that um you know they could have built Their audience 10 years ago it's a lot different now so don't get hung up on that kind of stuff always know that if someone is telling you something that's really incredible like oh that's a great result um there's probably information missing there's contacts it's not that they're flat out lying I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is they're missing context yeah they got a thousand new leads in this funnel but those are leads they had from something else these are people they already knew and so you have to ask yourself is are you there yet and embracing starting where you are right it's Embrace where you are and it's okay to want more it's okay to set that goal to want more but just to embrace where you are that you're starting where you are don't have to fake it till you make it you don't have to go out there and pretend like you have you know a hundred thousand people on your email list if you only have a

100 it is more important in that scenario a hundred percent quantity quality over quantity you need that absolutely so let's talk about consistency because that's really the thing that is going to make or break you right

we here in this space both have ADHD consistency is hard consistency is hard it is difficult to not get distracted by shiny objects to not lose things or shift things okay how do we build consistencies in to our processes how do we make it so that

it's easier to do when it's hard

that is going to depend on you know what your what your struggles are you can look at those and just be real with yourself because that's what I've had to do like I start looking at how I'm gonna build what I'm gonna build in the way that feels the best for me and so part of that is testing out things part of that for me like I have ADHD so one of the things that works uh sometimes in my favor to help me for when I'm like done I have no spoons left at all is the fact that I do get hyper focused when I'm really excited about something so I can sit back and create a lot of stuff you know in that time where there's no way I'm putting all that stuff out there at the moment but I've now created it all and it's like what did I just do what you know wow I did all of that stuff and then and then I'm exhausted and I'm like okay I'm not even doing anything with that right now right so then in those moments when it is time to put something out there I can go okay what do I already have that I put all this energy into that I can now leverage in this moment when I don't really I don't want to be on camera today or you know I don't want to create

something the files in my um folders in my computer just save with content I haven't used yet that I've created things I've written you know even Graphics I have a folder in canva sometimes I just I go down a rabbit hole in canva and I'm like What's it I just spent all day doing this and I like what so know what your struggles are and try to watch your files right

you know try to leverage some of that and don't and and very very importantly don't get stuck in a cycle of guilt don't feel bad because you couldn't do a thing on a day and then let the guilt of that drag you down even further like one of the best things I ever did for myself was just say yep that's me and then move on like oh I didn't do that then but you know what it's okay I've got energy today to do this that's all so how do we know if something is working that's a good question you have to know what you're reaching for you have to know what your goals are and what you want to do so every single thing you do should have some form of a goal attached to it you should know and you should know how you're going to track that goal it's not enough to just set the goal you have to look at okay what are going to be my metrics how am I going to know if I've reached this goal or if I'm close to this goal so if if your goal is to you know get a hundred new Facebook followers or you know Instagram followers then you then you have a place to track it right but you know that might not be your only goal right because it's not just about getting followers you could have I see plenty of accounts out there that have ten thousand a hundred thousand followers and then they look through their feed they have one like two likes and a hundred thousand ten thousand followers first of all they probably bought those leads and they're not relevant to their content right so it's not just about getting the followers it's also about what does that engagement look like how um invested is your audience in you right how much are they paying attention to what you're doing so you want to set a few metrics of what that looks like for you based on your business and what your goals are how much activity do you want because maybe it's not that maybe it's email maybe you want people to message you maybe you want you know what is it that you really want out of that engagement what is that step that you want your audience to take to know that they're engaged and I think it's important to mention here virality is difficult to predict or engineer and I say this as someone with Millions now millions of views on a real of a cat reaching underneath the door and pulling back the door stop and it makes that twang noise millions of views what the hell am I doing with that

so it's really really important that you build out your structure to support your business and your goals over the long term I'm not doing anything with those millions of views on my real and but if they go and look me up right then they'll find my website in my about me they'll have link links to click to get to places that are relevant I still give followers from that [ __ ]

that video I mean it's on brand for me certainly certainly but but you can't predict what will do that for you so you have to be real clear around what kind of content you are creating what it looks like what the Dynamics are and what works and what doesn't let's talk about testing Alice how do you figure out what works and what doesn't

um you have to swallow your pride and post it

and it's very hard like I have like nobody wants to feel judged um nobody wants you like you put out something out there and you don't want people to go oh boy they're lame or they're whatever like and so we do have a lot of fears around that kind of stuff because you know human nature we all want to be seen as you know you know positively you know we want people to like us we want people to you know I have an ego I have an ego and it's fragile sometimes so I completely understand uh but you do you have to just you have to swallow your that cry that ego you have to push the ego back and say nope I'm doing this so that you can test it um having some uh key messages of you know who you are what you're about what your services are you know what what your products are what having those things ready to go having things that you can say over and over and over again is really important and not just having you know like a handful of key messages but having like 10 ways you can say each of those things to start putting it out there and see how people respond to it right how many people are like oh yeah that's great or how many people message you after that how many people make a comment after that how many people click through to your web site after that like you have to be you just have to test it and if you're testing something and you're tracking it and you're like this one's not really hitting home right now so let me get rid of that and try this one right you just have to put it out there it's an experiment right you're on a journey discovering what works there is not any one person who has ever built a business who has just said oh here's my message and let me put it out there and now like they're you know they have a million followers and they're a billionaire no like no um an author that I really like I saw him speak once uh John Gordon and I'm sure lots of famous people have you know talked about this like you know they're overnight success

like he's like what are you talking about you know like he had the experience of where he's working working working and then all of a sudden it starts to pay off and that happens for a lot of people so just know that they're really instant success doesn't it that's not a reality right that's not likely to happen to you so base your goals and base what you're doing on the the majority the tried and true way which is to just test some messages and content right you don't have to create an entire course and then try to to put it out there and say oh nobody bought it after you know you posted twice on social media about it that's not how it's going to happen for you right instead of building out the whole course starts what are the messages around this course start putting out that content to see if it resonates and draws people into you then you know you've got something right until then you don't know and you just have to you have to be patient

S easy for me I can't remember the number but it was I I saw a post this morning Mr Beast pays I don't know like three hundred thousand dollars to shop his titles which isn't really shocking and considering the amount of money he makes with every single YouTube video that he puts up that seems like a good investment and I encourage you to really think about creating your content creating your top of funnel Communications in that way how do you test try new things how do you experiment I'll tell you how I experiment I do a podcast a day with somebody different every single day and people come for specific things and people are subscribing to the neurodiversity media Network on sub stack I'll drop the link in a minute and eventually people will likely subscribe to the page here which has a private podcast of me and right so this is how you build sequentially and test now I do podcasts because I like podcasts and that's important right Alice it's important that you like your channels let's talk about that

yes so yes if you hate video then don't focus on video Don't focus on oh I have to get over because that's what the medium people are using and and I've been told I have to do video I have to do video you know what you don't have to start there would it probably be good for you to start getting caught on camera and start being able to do that sure it would be but you don't have to do that you can start with writing if that's where you're the most comfortable start with a Blog right you can you can absolutely do that uh SEO hello thank you like that's a long-term strategy right there uh having that blog content but if you do like video then video is fantastic we're on video right now this is a video and the audio is going in a podcast can transcribe it put it up there on a Blog pull out Clips to post on The Tick Tock and the Instagram or wherever else you want to put it like there are options when you find that form you can even turn there's a ton of software now you can take a blog post and upload it and it'll create a dang video for you like you can do that so there are lots of options so don't feel like because some Guru told you this is what you have to do this is the channel you have to use this is the medium you have to use if you want to go anywhere don't let that hold you back from testing um and I will say one of the one of the sort of myths that's that's out there that I hear a lot from people um and it's mostly from people who are like you know trying to reassure people who are new in business and they're like you don't have to do all the channels you can just do one thing and master it right um you're not going to master any channel they change their algorithms and their rules and their stuff every single day like I used to be able to say I was like I knew some stuff about Facebook okay but they like they love to keep you on your toes like every time I log into my groups that I admin they've changed the location of where they put stuff like it takes me 10 minutes every time I log into Facebook now just to find where the thing went right because it's in a new spot I I know uh an ads guy who is constant this is his job this is all he does as who is complaining every other day about the fact that Facebook or Google has moved something someplace where it wasn't before or this thing isn't working like you could make that your entire full-time job and you will never Master a channel it's true it's true so don't like don't be like oh I'll just do this one and master it you're not gonna Master it it's okay to to try to do a whole bunch of different things like you can test channels too right not just your content do Facebook do Instagram doesn't mean you have to do them each 10 times a day right you don't have to burn yourself on out on it you could do them each once a week whatever test out creating the content publishing the content how does that feel to you you know what kind of Engagement are you getting on each of these platforms which one do you feel like you like the process of the most you can do multiple things but that also doesn't mean you don't have to be everywhere you can be everywhere right there's not really that much of a right or wrong way for you to do those things you you know you just have to test it out but just do it with the right context and the right expectation that number one you are not gonna Master anything because they like that I feel like that's Facebook Google all these companies number one rule is let's keep changing stuff and keep people confused so nobody can Master it right like that's in their mission it's by Design right it's very it is very much by just right so you're never gonna Master anything okay you're never gonna mess so don't have that as a goal right because you will run yourself in circles trying to feel like you need to master it so you don't need to master it and that's also can be a weight that's lifted from you because you don't have to master it which means you can be a novice and still put out content right you don't have to be an expert at Tick Tock to put out some Tick Tock content you don't have to be an Instagram expert or um or a Facebook expert to put content there like try to learn a little bit about the platform how it you know the general kind of content that does well there or whatever right obviously you need to know is this video content text content short form long form right like kind of get a Vibe for what that kind of stuff and then just put your stuff out there and see what happens test it out


if you are testing something

what are we actually looking for is it likes is it Commons is it messages in the DM like really what should we be trying to optimize for well that's based on your goals right so depending on your pro you know if you have a physical store you know and a physical product and you want more traffic in your store and more people in there then you know you want to look at um you want to make sure that this is the content you're creating what you're doing is is location based right so it's a different it's a different kind of content it's a different kind of Engagement because you're engaging with your your local community uh if if you're selling uh digital products and services with a specific kind of audience you know how Are you delivering these Services you know Are you delivering this like you know this one-on-one thing I know a lot of people that that's what they do they just hop into Zoom sessions with people work with them right do you have that level of of touch points High touch with people then you're looking for those High touch actions from uh from your audience you want that high touch uh if you're looking for something where you're just trying to create this Evergreen situation uh then maybe you just want to look that people are uh following steps from you right like oh they're doing this and then this they're following the direction of it right so you're going to produce content based on how you want people to engage with you and how you want them to buy from you what that Journey looks like so you want to create content that works in that way when you're testing it right you want to send an email that says you know click here to go see this thing over on this channel right that's a that's getting them through the funnel you're getting them to take those actions and they can see that if it's that physical business you're wanting to get that traffic into your store or you're wanting more local people to talk about you

or for what your business is and what you're doing

so let's talk about building a marketing campaign how does that work what are we doing and what should our obviously not goals that's going to be personal but what should our

pesting mechanisms be well

okay so it here's the thing a campaign is something very specific right it you're it's it's multiple kinds of content that you're putting out there in multiple places and it's not I posted on social media today like when you're trying to create a marketing campaign you do have a goal right now that goal could be to sell something it could be that you have a course that you're launching it could be um so I run a lot of challenges and I build challenges for my clients and so one of the biggest myths with uh having a challenge is that it's the best launch strategy and I'm not saying that's not a great launch strategy because it certainly is but you can run challenges for all kinds of reasons right you can run it if you're launching a course and sell something at the end of that challenge but you could run a challenge as a campaign as a marketing campaign to test your idea and out test out your ideal audience your clients make sure that's a good fit and test out validate a product idea right a course idea whatever that is um you could also run a challenge and have the goal of providing customer service so it's a challenge that you only run for your customers to continue to engage them and and do things with them so so the goal part is going to be specific to everybody but kind of knowing what that goal is will help you where are you creating this content who are you creating it for how much do you need you know how you know how big of a campaign is this going to be but regardless of how small it is like for example a challenge a five-day challenge that seems like a would be a small campaign

pain day challenge you need like 30 days to Market it unless you already have a huge audience then you could just put something out and get a whole bunch of people to sign up right which sometimes a lot of gurus do oh you only need a week and maybe if you have a 10 000 customers in your Facebook group then you only need a week because you'll get enough people in to make it worth your while but if this is something you're doing to build an audience or offer a product or do that you need like 30 days so in 30 days for a campaign of any kind I would say no matter what you're doing you need at least 30 days to start putting ideas and information out there so then you have to map that out you have to look at those 30 days and what you're putting out there and what channels you're going to use over that 30 days so you need to post every week at least a few times a week over that 30 days for that campaign right I'm not saying you have to do that for the rest of your life but for that campaign so you have to have enough content for that right so you have to really think about that and plan it out and what does that look like for you how much of that can you automate so you're not running yourself ragged how much of that can be repurposed can I do one video and break it up into these little pieces can I have it transcribed and do the blog can I take the audio out and do some little audio clips like what kind of things you do you really want to sit down and think about what that workflow looks like and how you're going to get enough content that has this particular key messages in it for this goal this campaign right and look at how you're going to do all of that how you're going to create it what that workflow is what that schedule looks like of publishing and how you're publishing and where you're publishing it but being like Oh I'm going to post this on Facebook today you have to plan it out in advance I cannot tell you the number of times that oh I post I did I talked about it oh yeah I see that one post on Facebook yes

and and this is hard so let's talk about some strategies to creating a campaign that maybe doesn't necessarily involve batching all of your content ahead of time or creating it all ahead of time what can you do to like build a framework so that you have an idea of what the structure is and can create on the fly if you are one of those people who cannot create ahead of time right um yeah I mean you can make a list right of ideas like the the thing is you if you have your messages if you know what those are and you have you know it's three to five key messages right and each of those key messages you have five different ways you say it right so now you've got you know 25 possible messages that you can be putting out there and so you would already know what what those things are ahead of time you know however long it takes you to do that you don't have to sit down and do those key messages in a day those key messages can grow they can be added to whenever something comes to you because I have random ideas I have documents in my click up open like at all times so I can jot down because you know I couldn't even remember reciprocity a few minutes ago right like Words leave me very very quickly so if you're like that whatever works through could be paper and Pen could have your pen and ready to write down whatever it is um you know could be a Notes app in your phone whatever process works for you to start writing those messages out because those messages are your content and if you already have an idea of what kind of content you like to create right like your video like I'm in my office space in the corner of my bedroom right now this is where my office is uh and I have my lights up and I have my earbuds here on my computer and my camera and I have this little corner cleared out that doesn't mean the rest of those bases cleared out just this corner is right so that I so that it's ready when I'm ready right so if you're doing video then make the space easily accessible for you for when you're ready for it so you can just come in because otherwise one of the things that happens to me is I get that over them oh I got a cleanest space to do the video and then I have to you know do this and I have to do that I mean it's just enough I use um Zoom a lot because Zoom has I can do Zoom face I don't know if y'all know what that is

but it puts even makes my hair look smoother so even if my hair is a little wild I could have right so I love that I love that it makes it easy for me to hop on a zoom without feeling too self-conscious about how I look right um and your background clear so know what kinds of content you know if you like to write and that's your form of content make sure that you have an area set up where you can just sit down and do that when the mood strikes you and and start making that list what are the things you want to talk about you know it could just be one simple straight list these are the things here's 30 things I want to talk about you know potentially in the next 30 days they might be videos they might be blog posts they might be posts on Instagram just think about what that could be for you and at least have those messages ready so that when you're in the mood you can put that message out there quickly and easily for yourself

I think what's key is that you have lots of opportunities right it doesn't have to be the 3 000 words skyscraper post to end all posts for every single topic you can write and I encourage you to really explore with some ways to spin written content and even video content talk about it for three minutes and then review it and go oh well I can expand on this point next time or I can take this point and this point and come up with this point over here don't make it hard you're making it hard you and and I'm really honestly speaking to myself here because I do this all of the time I write magnum opus type things because it has to be perfect instead of publishing that's why this year I'm focusing much more on lives and video because this is a thing that I can do and get out here and be done and it's beautiful exactly exactly and not only does it not to have to be this big long novel but it also doesn't have to be epic right you can build up to Epic with all of your little pieces here and there and then later on you can look at it and put it together and be like yes you know this is a book or this is a you know it could turn into that you can build up to Epic you don't have to start at Epic no and it's easier to take 10 small 300 word posts and edit them together into a long 3000 word post that it is to create that 3 000 word post from scratch I'm just saying again to myself here y'all as much as just just as much as the rest of you writing is very much my weakness in this particular regard and so I think that it's important when building out campaigns to consider your strengths and weaknesses what will you do what will you say I'm going to do that and not do can you do that ahead of time can you get somebody else to do that for you how can you do those things that are supposed to be done but uh you're not doing them

so get out of your own way yeah that's correct and again the thing that I said it before and I will say it again don't get stuck in the cycle of guilt you know if you don't do a thing that you wanted to do it's okay move on and and do the next thing it's okay you know you will eventually create habits for yourself and part of that and one of the really great things about the connection Capital um is that when you when you're building this in that Mutual investment and that reciprocity reciprocity I can say it I can say it when you're building it in that one of the things that happens in relationships now this is business this is your customers this could be your Affiliates your vendors your investors but this is also can be your friends your family your partners right you you put you one person puts in all the effort you're the one you know creating all the content doing all the things and that's what leads to the burnout right that's where we start to get overwhelmed we get burnout we get over want like know right and we're talking a lot in a lot of the circles I'm in we do talk about that burnout and that's where it's just that one way it's just you putting stuff out there all the time and doing stuff and then nothing from this other sign right and part of avoiding that burnout part of energizing yourself I know I need as many as I can get right and part of that is getting something back from somebody helping them fill into you and that's part of what that Mutual investment is is that you want to start creating content that pulls people in to give you something back as well because when they do that it helps fuel you to keep going forward it's how you help avoid that burnout so don't get set on that you just have this I have to create all this content and I have to do this stuff but I've gotta don't have that on like how can you pull your audience in how can you pull your people in to help energize you what does that look like for you that will feel good to give you that energy to keep going forward

so you had on your lists for this I I knew this was going to happen with you Alice that you were gonna you're gonna outline these episodes and cram way more stuff in than we could talk about in an hour wait actually I think those might have been actually ideas for and for individual episodes but God I hope so because I don't know how we're talking about borrowing audiences and SEO in the next 10 minutes no we're not we're not we're not so that's the next episode possibly the next episode after that yeah I think where I want to leave people today is around the organic

unpredictable nature of cultivating audience if you don't have any control over it and you can't predict it and you can't master it what should you do

oh you're stuck oh here we are there you go back what you should do is you should let it go you should embrace your your inner Elsa and Let It Go um fun yes enjoy it have fun enjoy what you're doing because if you can't enjoy it and it's going to be brutal and miserable then what are you doing what kind of energy are you putting into your business if you're that stressed out about it and here's another thing one of the things that tends to happen that I see a lot and I know because I went through it myself at one point in my business is you get this desperation because you need the money you need the clients you need the thing and then then that's the energy you're putting into your business is that desperation and Desperation does not attract anything to you it repels things from you so in that desperation you're actually doing the opposite for building your audience so if you need to and this may run counter to all kinds of advice that you will ever get get a part-time job or do like find something to help you generate that income so that the energy you put into your business and building your audience is a positive one it's joyful it's fun like I do not have time in my life for anything that does not bring me joy anymore if it is not making me feel good I'm getting rid of it I turn 50 this year y'all I know I look so good for 50. I'm just

yes I turned 50 this year and it's taken me this long like it's just been in the last year that I have gotten to the place in Briar you know this because we're close and we talk about a lot of things I have just gone to I've drawn the Line in the Sand and anybody who crosses that line and they don't have joy in their heart they're not bringing peace into my life they're out of here and that's it that's all there is to it and I'm very very protective of that peace and that joy and that's what I want in my business and that's what I want for all of you to have in your businesses too peace joy that desperation and frustration and burnout because then that's what you're putting into it so what are you really going to get out of it desperation burnout frustration what does that equal when you pull that out uh nothing I want that's for sure exactly exactly all right my friend so next time we will talk about borrowing audiences and where can people find you Alice um they can find me on uh Facebook they can my Facebook page is fabulous with Alice so come be fabulous with me there uh you can also find me my website is Alice merriam.com so you can go there and uh yeah that's those are pretty good places to find me I think so so I am so glad we got to do this it's fun having you on the other side and doing the majority of the talking because you're so yes I I I'm not telling you you talk a lot Alice just that I quite enjoy I make good conversation yes yes this has been delightful it has all right y'all this has been another or the first episode of creating your connection Capital here on the neurodiversity media Network we will drop all links in comments and show notes later and thank you so much y'all for being here for sticking around we love all of you people our peoples are just all up in the Commons love you love you love you love you all see that's how you do it one one little relationship at a time all right see you next time bye for now