and we are live hello hello y'all this is the neurodiversity media Network today I am here with the fabulous Alice Miriam and we're going to talk about creating your connection Capital so our first episode was two weeks ago we talked about like foundational things what it looks like to develop relationships for marketing purposes today we are going to dig into I think campaigns right yes yes how to so here's the thing about relationships for the purpose of selling something it requires a lot of touches it requires a lot of awareness there are stages that you lead your customer or client through to help enable them to make buying decisions and this is tough for people because it can feel manipulative and it can feel skeezy but if you're doing it the right way you are building in what we call touch points which I mean it used to be with print media that you needed seven touch points to get somebody to buy with media saturation now the last estimate I heard was like 30 40 like 22 plus yes right it's up there it takes a lot of interaction with your clients or customers to get them to buy now that they're always going to be fast action takers we're talking about the average customer life cycle and so we're building now campaigns to support that relationship over the Long Haul so let's start at the top Alice what are we doing to make this first of all not feel like it is a bro marketer tactic and that we only are developing these relationships to get people to buy foreign
I know it sounds uh maybe a bit like I don't like sounding like a trendy thing because that's the number one thing is that you kind of have to stay away from things that are trendy I mean sometimes you can leverage them if they feel right for you but the thing is if you have a purpose if you have a dream a goal like your vision is to do good things in the world and you know doing good things in the world for you is you know is is teaching people how to do yoga and and be able to breathe better and feel better in their life then that's a really that's an important thing you're going out there in the world to do so when you find that thing that you want to share with other people it becomes about that it doesn't just become about selling selling selling get that money get that person no matter what it takes and let's do all these sleazy tactics so you you have to know yourself and only you know that you know if you have a sleazy reason for doing what you do then you know go do that I guess you know like I can't there's nothing I can do about that but if you have a really great reason for doing what you do and it's something you're passionate about and you want to share with other people then you just have to you just have to believe in yourself and know that you're doing this for the right reason even though once you get down to the to the nitty-gritty so to speak you have to have a campaign you have to have a sales process you have to have that nurturing process with people and as long as you know what you're providing them at the end of that process or in the middle of that process is something that's actually going to be helpful and valuable to them something they want then there's no need to feel sleazy or crazy about it no need at all I mean even if it's a lipstick right like I love like I my lip gloss I love me some lip gloss okay and if you have a campaign and you come up with a thing and there's marketing and I buy that lip gloss I feel good wearing the lip gloss I mean it it can be something that simple and it doesn't have to make you feel bad or sleazy to sell it and regardless of whether it's a product or service I encourage you to consider that you are arguably the only person who can sell this thing this way and if that's the case then you are almost obligated to do so because nobody else is going to be able to give people this thing in the way that you do and I think framing is important because if you don't have a good foundational belief in why you're selling what you're selling building your campaign won't work
and we're talking okay so when I'm structuring a campaign Alice what does it look like what do I need to have what's gotta happen here for me to take someone from barely knowing me to buying a product or service
um well I mean so first of all the thing that I like people to have in their in their head about a marketing campaign is that it is a process okay it's not okay I created some graphics and I posted a couple things on social media to talk about it and nobody bought my thing right there's some context that you need and it's unfortunate because a lot of people out there present things online as though you know you can make a couple of posts online and then all of the sudden um you can be generating income and sales from your courses or your products and services and that is not how a marketing campaign Works a marketing campaign is a is a longer term plan so you're looking at you know a decent marketing campaign can be never ending number one but if you're like launching something if you're trying to really like get something out there you need a good 30 days and you need to figure out you know how you're connecting this content right so you need to be able to plan out content that could be blog posts that could be video content that could be a newsletter that could be emails there are a lot of varieties you kind of have to find the mediums that you're the most comfortable with uh and dive into those mediums and then what you do is um one of the things I like to do that really feels like the the base starting point for a lot of people can start at is get one big long form piece of content whether that's a long video a Long blog post you can transcribe the video make it into a blog post you can use the blog post there's software out there now you can upload it and turn that into a video if you wanted to you can do a lot of things with that content and start breaking it out into smaller pieces that you can share in other places it's basically having like some core messages that you want to share and then continually sharing those messages in different ways and different forms on different platforms forms and different you know Styles and really a marketing campaign it's kind of like a test run right you're you're testing out your content like a lot of times we want to hold back and be like okay this has to be perfect before I put some stuff out there but really you don't know if it's perfect or the right message hitting the right people until you actually put the information out there and that scary because we do have this like Perfection thing oh it has to be just right I'm not ready yet but you're not going to be ready if you don't put it out there and see how you feel about it and see how people respond to it so you need lots of little pieces of information and you have to do it regularly whatever regularly looks like for you I am not here to tell you that you have to post uh tick tocks five of tick tocks I said to talk again um I'm sorry it's tick tock in my head it's tick tock and I say that um my brain just takes it it has been since it existed and will always be Tick Tock as far as Alice is concerned right I cannot hear more endearing yes I can't I can't even with myself might drive my kids crazy with that um so you don't have to post five videos a day you don't have to post on Facebook 20 times a day like you find a schedule that works for you but you have to plan it out right there has to be a plan because a campaign isn't just one post right um uh Jeff goodby and Rich Silverstein are like these big you know the ad Executives they're the folks responsible for got Milk okay and they talk about they have a master class I love the master their master class and they talk about an ad campaign um about it's one piece playing off another piece and it feeds into the next piece and the next piece and this is even just with their commercials right you have one commercial that is it you produce another one and it feeds off of the next one and the next one and and it just and it takes on a life of its own I mean got milk epic right like right now we're always like got coffee or got whatever like it's everywhere and we all know that it started with got milk we all know that so you have to think about your campaign in terms of how can I create this system of giving them this piece and then this piece feeds into this piece it's just a little bit at a time because you can't you can't give everybody all the information in one shot that's not how it works there's too many marketing messages coming at us from all different directions every single day we're bombarded and that's why when Breyer said earlier like it used to be seven messages now it's like 20 to 30 to 40 messages we have to come in contact with that's because it takes us a while to start to feel familiar with something enough to start to trust it and we have to hear those little bits and pieces here's one little piece oh that's interesting oh now here's this other piece and when combined with this that's okay that's a little more interesting right and it just it keeps building on itself so maybe like think of it like Legos you know you've got you're going to build a giant you know Lego battleship or you know it's just one piece at a time well and I think Legos is a really apt analogy so in March I'm getting ready to launch a four-week program for uh neurodivergent families starts at the beginning of March I'm approximately halfway through my campaign I have not even mentioned the name of the program yet but I certainly had a podcast last week about homeschooling neurodivergent children and I've had some content pieces about like my family and so there's all these little pieces that come into play
marketing campaigns aren't sales right it's not here's a link by my stuff right tell me how to have a call to action when there is no lick link to click let's talk about how that works yeah well see this is really important the the relationship building process and this this marketing process is really about informing and getting connection right you need to be able to share your message with people who need to be able to see it and know if that message is right for them if there's if there's an initial spark or connection for that particular thing and the interest and so what you need is you need calls to action that help show you what that person's level of interest is so are they clicking the like button that's an action right and that can be a call to action if you're putting it in email and you're linking over to social media uh you can say you know click here to go check out this this article I just wrote on LinkedIn right and drive them over there that's an action that they're taking right and that's what you need you need to build those actions because you'll know if that message is resonating with enough of the right people to even then go in for a sale or for an offer to make an offer right like your email you have to for first if if you're doing this well if you're experimenting with your marketing well you're going to know before you even launch a program how well it potentially has to do now that's no guarantee but if my early marketing campaign is solid and it has trackable metrics then I can predict with a certain degree of accuracy whether or not a program will do well or not absolutely and and that's also you have the marketing campaign that's also about building that audience right and here I mean and this is where with marketing campaigns the number one thing that you have to get right with it is you have to start with the right expectations and I find that most people have very unrealistic expectations and that is because the messages that are out there are are very misleading right I've seen like I had I've had clients that were disappointed in really good metrics even though I set the expectation from the beginning this is how many people we can expect to enroll this is how many people we can expect to buy this is you know this is this is what you can expect this first time around and even exceeded those numbers a little bit and was still disappointed and you know and then I always realize why because then I see Mutual connections um posting stuff on social media like hey I just got my client a 67 conversion and did this and did that and I'm thinking those numbers sound really great and I'm not saying that they're not possible but they're but there's more to this story behind those numbers always either ads it's either that they already have an audience and a list of thousands of people if you're not you have to set your expectations based on where you're starting from and this is the kind of context that's not really out there all the time with people talking about it I see people doing this stuff all this time they share screenshots of look how many people I had enrolled in my thing this week you can do it too well yeah they had that many people enroll because they have 10 times that number on their email list already that they sent it out to they have engaged um you know ready to go people that's why they got those numbers but if that's not where you're at you're not going to get those numbers and that's one of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they start to do a campaign of any kind is they don't get these really epic numbers and they get disappointed so they think that this this strategy or this
campaigns webinars like oh I tried that and it didn't work to me for me and chances are you didn't have the right expectations because those biggies that are out there those gurus that are running these campaigns when they started running their campaigns years ago number one these marketing platforms these social media looked a whole lot different than they do now like when Facebook ads used to be like printing your own money okay that is not the case anymore so they built their following when it was easier to do so and they've gained momentum already so now sometimes they present to you like hey you can do this look how many followers I have look at this and yes but they're presenting it they won this on yesterday's social media but they're presenting it as though it was one on today's and that is not true and so you have to be able to spot that those folks have momentum and so they're going to continue to do well as long as they continue to leverage the momentum which is why the biggest mistake you can make is not to continue to run this marketing campaign over and over again because even if you only had 10 people sign up or 100 new subscribers whatever that number is for you you can leverage those 100 to get another hundred and another 100 because that is how the gurus did it when they started everybody starts from zero everybody starts from zero and sometimes you hit the lottery my all-time favorite coaches Naomi Dunford uh featured in Chris gyllabus a hundred dollar startup
that's all it took for Naomi to build a list of tens of thousands of people was one earned media mention and most of us don't strike lightning quite in that way and so have to build up gradually over time but if that is our only reference for how to do it then we're always going to feel like we're doing it wrong like we're falling behind like there's something wrong with us as a business owner and that's that's what we're here to I think disabuse today so all right let's talk about the Numbers number numbers the ones that people don't want to hear the ones that are scary what is the industry average conversion rate Alice oh boy
uh on a sales conversion it's like two percent so when people say I got a 67 conversion I'm like yeah you did I mean on people that you know on people that I'm like I said I'm not saying that those numbers but that is not the industry standard that is not it just is not you like if you want to get a hundred sales if you want 100 people to buy your course I mean you need to have a thousand people minimum on your list and that's and that's highly engaged nurtured they trust you they know you they're on board with what you offer you know and you can and you can I I've had clients that have doubled the industry standard and not been at two percent but they've been at four percent which is really good and we're talking like on a brand new list like on a brand new process of people that's like excellent obviously the the deeper the relationship the longer people know you the more credibility you have with them the higher your conversions are going to go but it's real it's not what people say it is out there it just isn't it just isn't well and your sales conversions don't necessarily equal into your relationship Capital either so I tend to have very low sales conversions for products that's because most of my products are very specialized right they therefore a very certain kind of person who has a very specific need right at this time Meanwhile my average email open rate is in like the 70s I people love reading my stuff people watch my podcasts and listen to this show and they are interacting with mine I mean I love your newsletter what can I thank you I'm obsessed with it all the time but there are I I mean there are not a lot of products that I sell that are specifically targeted to you and that's okay but it is about setting those expectations well ahead of time and how do we determine what those expectations are Alice I mean you you really have to start where you are right because there's also this other there's this thing happening online which I'm not for it but it's this
whole fake it present yourself online like yeah I make six figures or I'm you know I'm fabulous and I have all this stuff when really you're not at that level yet you're not there and you're you're still building but because you're PR you're presenting yourself in this way that makes it look like you're you already have this success you're denying yourself the opportunity to actually build and grow into that person like I mean I get it you want to think positively and we want to feel good but it's okay to show up where you're at in your business if people don't respect you just because you like you don't need to be a six-figure earner to know what you're doing to have already had the experience and have the confidence to help people with that thing that you help them with and by being more honest with yourself and embracing that you're starting at zero or starting at wherever you're at you're giving your self the opportunity to show up more as yourself like not hashtag authentic stuff right like actually realness right show up as your real self and giving your upper self the opportunity to actually learn and grow and develop those relationships they're going to be really beneficial to you and to the people that you're building those relationships with but not if you're faking it you can't do it if you're faking it you just can't you just can't and I think that when it comes to figuring out concretely what this looks like for you you have to be able to obviously be honest about where you're at and you have to be able to experiment along the way yes you have to test stuff out and not get discouraged because every time you put some content out there and it doesn't resonate and it doesn't get traction that's still data that you have you've learned something so learn it and move on get to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing learn and move on right because by the same token you don't you're not going to put some information out there and it falls flat and then okay I give up forget it I'm never doing this again no and by the same token if you put something out there and a lot of people like it that doesn't mean you're rich and famous and you've gone viral now right like you know it's just data you're on the right track and you need to keep going because if you don't continue to go if you if you rest if you rest on that one good post and you're like okay I got good numbers on that one so I'm not doing anything else then you're losing the momentum that you could continue to build you're you're losing the opportunity to learn more from this content right so you have to know what the things mean you have to know that not you can't put all your eggs in one basket then so to speak right as the saying goes that goes for the positive things and for the negative things that you feel like are negative like you just can't you just have to keep going because if you don't and I'm telling you that is what the gurus have done y'all like you should see like some of the biggest names in the industry they've had the same dang course for the last 10 freaking years and their same Market they figured out their marketing materials and their messages and they put them out over and over and over again and again and they're still using them they have the same email sequences they have the same con like they just keep leveraging it and going it over and over again and building more and more and more so if you would like to examine a few particularly good examples of this I encourage you to look at Amy Porterfield because number one person that always pops into mine right
um I also really like Rachel Baxter cook and she's been selling the same thing forever it's a mastermind program she's got you know some little smaller introductory offers so that you can get to know her work before you jump into the high level Mastermind but it's the same thing and it's been the same thing for as long as I have followed her I have used her free best year ever planning worksheets for probably five years now not bought anything from her but that doesn't mean she's not on my radar right like Laura Belgrade there you go I mean talking shrimp yep epic yeah but but that's the thing instead what happens is we start to put out this content and we don't get the instant gratification and feedback that we need for that validation and so what happens is we start to doubt ourselves and I see it over and over again and so we're instead of continuing on with the marketing for this particular product or service now we're changing course we're doing the pivot and we're in a constant state of pivoting it's always some kind of new program we're creating it's a new course it's a new a new business I'm rebranding I'm doing that like you can't even develop a real brand until you've put enough messages out there to find out what resonates and not just with the people but with you too because I tell you what one of the first things I did online many many years ago like when Al Gore invented the internet one of the things that I did I I was good at it but I did not love it and so I had to walk away from that and some and I was like you know this is not where I want to be so let me step back from this business because this is not feeling good to me so it has to feel good for the people and for you and pivoting in and of itself isn't a problem and I say this to a neurodivergent audience many of whom have ADHD and likely pivot before breakfast at least twice right yeah yes pivoting is my Pivot is my middle name did you know that that doesn't Shock Me
and as long as the pivot is itself informed by the data numbers don't just change course because you wanna change course because the evidence that you have gathered along the way clearly indicates that changing course is the right idea so this year I'm doing a bunch of [ __ ] podcasts and writing a bunch of newsletters because what people really want from me is this work and I'm having to switch to a subscription-based model and asking for people to subscribe to my sub stack is a lower risk ask and also something that I have to do constantly every single time I'll be dropping the links in the chat so that you can go find the neurodiversity media Network dot And subscribe to my newsletter paid subscribers get paid okay features right that's that's the way a Content model works but I had to really know that this was going to be the right place for me to focus my attention on I had to know that what people valued was the content and I didn't get here just by throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck it's been very calculated and it honestly sometimes makes me a little bit nervous because it's for me less predictable than making a service offering right like that I feel like I have relative control over I can put a post up I can go into people's DMS right there are selling a service is a relatively known quantity for me that if I need to round up money that's always how it's been done in the past and now I'm asking you to go and subscribe to my sub stack it's it's a little bit on the edge yeah but this is all data driven like I've done the research I've talked to my people I've figured out what we can and can't afford to pay for this is what has led me here you have a newsletter that has a 70 open rate that's correct I mean people that's what and right and you have enough people on your list to know because people like your content like that's a thing and so that's data that's numbers you've been doing this long enough that you know that that's a direction that you can take yourself in but and have the numbers you have to have a certain level of consistency which I do say as a person fully diagnosed and almost medicated um with ADHD myself and I I have had I have suffered from continual pivoting that was not helpful to me at all so I've been there I've done that and it it can be a challenge to keep your focus especially
um if needing that validation to keep going you know that's one of the reasons I like being part of a really great community of people and a network of people like yourself um like Marisa so that I can um so that I have people I can talk to that will that will say to me no Alice this is good just keep going or you know what I don't get this don't do that right I need honest feedback from people that I trust and that I know and and so that can be really important when your building is to find your people as well you know find where they are right because a 30-day marketing campaign is like most of us for most of us that's like a nightmare I have to talk about the same thing for 30 days are you kidding me it will not happen and it doesn't have to if the touch points guide you there in an organic way that allow you to build a relationship so
let's talk about what that looks like structurally
I don't need numbers but I do need kind of a sense of knowing that the work is working how do you as the campaign is going
SAS for Success measures obviously we've talked about like likes and retweets and anything any any response is a metric but what are you using those metrics to quantify okay well so the first thing is when you have a campaign is what what are you what is the goal of this campaign you have to know what your goal is to know what the heck you're going to track and how and why and all that those bits so um and there can be all different kinds of goals for campaigns right you don't have to have a campaign just because you're launching a course right you could have an idea for a course you can be using it to validate your idea um that you want to make this course for which I highly recommend is a good idea you could be using this marketing campaign strict audience around that idea so that you can see what the level of interest is what kind of um paid content might they be interested in and looking for so you kind of have to know so if you want to you know if you want to be like Briar and you want to start a paid sub stack then you need to start putting out content you maybe need a newsletter that you start putting out there and see if you're getting subscriber open rates look like because if people are really into your content and you're putting that out there then you know that maybe that's a signal to you that validates that yeah I can probably I might be able to do this in a paid fashion because look at the response I'm getting from this this way right so it has to make sense for what your goal is if it is a course then maybe you're putting out um a mini course or maybe you're putting out um uh smaller videos to see how people respond to watching videos and grabbing your downloads and open right like if you're doing that and people are responding and that's starting to grow then you know that maybe taking a course in that direction can be the right the right thing for your people and for you so you can use it to validate um you can use it to eventually sell you can use it just to build a uh an audience around a particular idea a concept and you just have to know what that goal is and what mediums you're going to be using so this is where we talk about Milestones right that in order to create a successful campaign I need to have a few touch points along the way potential if it's 30-day campaign perhaps at 10 and 20 days I need to be able to say so this is what I should be doing at this point in time in the campaign that way I can adjust on the Fly let's talk about what that looks like Alice what's the difference between shifting Direction and pivoting aha so yeah well pivoting is going in a different direction like pivoting is okay you know I'm selling eggs but now I'm gonna go sell milk like that's pivoting like it's a different like you're like nope I'm going this way right whereas shifting looks like okay um instead of talking about um chickens laying eggs I'm gonna talk about scrambled eggs right instead of you know instead of talking about um scrambled eggs I'm going to talk about quiche like let me get into this other area right so it's it's still in the same vein of who you are and what you do it's just that you know this particular message around that thing doesn't seem to be hitting right for you um people don't seem to be responding to it so you're just you're enhancing that message in a slightly different way or wording it in a different way to see if that one um Can resonate more because
in order to validate it right you have to be able to say a thing in a lot of different ways right you have to be able to talk about a particular thing in like 10 different ways you have to have different stories about that thing you have to have different contexts around that thing because not everybody you could have a group of a thousand people and you can ask those thousand people like what was it about your messaging that resonated with them and you'll have a look and you're gonna get a thousand different answers I mean you might get some categories of people that are like oh I was all about them scrambled eggs you know and then you're going to get a category of people that were like I was all about the quiche right so you're gonna get those people for sure but you're also going to get a variety right different messages resonate with different people at different times in their life for different reasons so you have to be able to say a thing in a lot of different ways and you have to be able to adjust that message um in your emails in your content in your video and you have to be prepared um to change that up so you've got to be you got to write those messages down like you can't just wing it you have to write them down you have to map them out and be like you know why is this message good who is this message going to resonate with the best where is this person at on their Journey right now that this is the message they need to hear and then okay another person is at this place so what message did they need to hear right now right so you need to have those messages on the ready that you can just bam you can just put out there and that's really how you're checking and I always say because you're talking about like a 30-day campaign and creating Milestones as well like do a work back schedule don't start at day one start at day 30. what is it that you want to happen on day 30 and then what needs to happen on day 28 in order for that thing to happen on day 30. and so on and do the work back schedule on what that looks like for you so that you know where your Milestones are because if you start at the beginning and you work your way forward you're always going to be you're never at your goal you're never end up oh my I'm I'm launching it's on the 30th so I'm starting on the first and then the 30th just never gets there like it then it becomes the 30th of the next month and the next one no start on the last day what is that main thing and work it back because when you do that another thing you might do is you might look at that and go oh on day 10 I have to be at this I don't that seems a little unreasonable so maybe I need to make this a 35-day campaign or a 40-day campaign or maybe I need to adjust my expectations and my goals for that 30 day because maybe this is a little more than you know always have your your goal and then your um what's it like your stretch goal and your and your goal you want to be reasonable with it and there's no reason that you can't stretch for something bigger and better I'm not trying to you know rain on your parade or anything I'm just saying be realistic because if you disappoint yourself then you then you give up you know and you don't want to do that and I think this here is where micro content is really helpful because if you're looking at creating 30 days of your written magnum opus for selling something it's no wonder it's never going to happen right but if you're putting out a small piece of content every single day that's much easier
so I've built the campaign I've worked my way backwards I've got milestones and goals and I really feel like I know how things should proceed
if I am neurodivergent and I've gotten this far
celebrate right one for what for real celebrate that you've managed to get all of these pieces in place ahead of time
what do I need to do now to keep going and not get bored Alice well that's gonna depend which is a terrible answer that I know nobody wants to hear I know but it's accurate it's it but it is uh it is accurate and that's the you know that's another thing about the online world is some people say oh no this is the answer and then you go and you do that answer and it doesn't work for you and you feel like there's something wrong with you or with your idea or your whatever that it's not working for you and there's nothing wrong with you the truth is it does depend some people's answer will work for you some people's won't right you have to you know it really is honestly having a business marketing testing things out it is it's also a journey of self-discovery of who you are of how you like to work what makes you feel good right because you have to pay attention to that you know if you're if what makes you feel good is doing more video or you know maybe you like to learn and and be involved in the latest and greatest in the tech right you know then then go find those pieces that you can dive into to put out that new content if that's your thing right if that's not your thing then find a different thing right go play with AI to write more content if that's what like gets you keeps you interested and going um you know you have to find that thing for yourself and you have to test it out along the way and make note of when you're like oh this is fun right so that you're not bored because you shouldn't be bored this is your business this is your stuff and you should be excited if you're not excited about it then you know you're not following through in it and that I don't think that even matters if you have ADHD or your neurodivergent or not like if you're a human in the world and you don't like something you're not going to put in the effort you know you find a way to like not you're not gonna put in the effort the way that it needs to be put in in order to succeed at this thing and I will I I mean this is us here so we'll wrap it back around that if you don't know how you're going to keep going I highly encourage you to get yourself a professional team of cheerleaders yes that was going to be yes that's the other part of that is yes get find a community yeah you need people because there will be when your campaigns are long and there will inevitably be pieces that don't succeed the number of pieces that don't succeed will inform whether or not you make Milestone changes but inevitably there will be that one thing that you wrote or recorded or did that you really liked that nobody else did and that is really demoralizing when you do this thing and I love it so much and I put so much effort into it nobody's liking it what is wrong with everything right I need to rethink my life I need everything in my life based on this one piece of content that nobody liked and that's not no yeah that was in your heart and soul and you're like that was the best yeah yeah and that's when you need your people to be like no really I liked it it was great
that's why we have an audio community in the Catalyst yeah the cat I mean the Catalyst that's my people right there like I having the people having the support system like because some days you're on the content but you know what like I'm very easily distracted and I have been distracted as of lately a little bit but I'm still supported like I'm still supported in my distraction and it's like yep you're distracted you'll get back on track like nobody's making me feel shame or guilt over that you're still supported and that's really where it comes into having your people is you need you need people who will be real with you like it's okay you know nobody's gonna shame you they're going to support you and also help you get back on track too like remind you hey when you're ready let's let's keep this going you know so that you can do that that's it it's life-changing is all I can say so if you need a community I'm just going to say that my affiliate link for the catalyst is catalyst and you should check it out yeah also that's where we hang out all this is where we hang out it is I mean talk about all matters stupid things and abusing things and like what happens in the workroom stays in the work room so if you want to know what we're talking about right yeah I got to come in except for excuse me Keto Chicken the keys to the cheesy Keto Chicken has made it into the greater into the world okay okay
what is key here I think is figuring out
what you need to do to support yourself in something that is long and hard right campaigns are because they are structured for many of us not the easiest thing to do and if you aren't a coach orgasming your way to success chances are good you should probably have a marketing campaign a real one written on paper yeah mapped out somewhere right right a thing to follow a plan a plan yeah I mean not to put too fine a point on it put a plan a plan and and this is hard for us and and we're both gonna acknowledge that this is hard and these are the parts of your business that we don't really talk about because they're not sexy and nobody wants to be put in the cold hard truth on the numbers of things and I'm I'm happy nobody wants to be a party pooper right we get it I I like Just Give Me A Sign party pooper that's that's fine I'll wear that sign it's cool that tattoo yeah right right on my forehead it's fine [Music] I think that having Clarity around what it actually is makes it feel easier for me it always has it's knowing that one percent two percent of people will buy my thing and that's if I put in a lot of effort selling my thing and not that I show up and ask them once and then run away and go why didn't anybody buy my thing did you promote it yeah I post on Facebook really how many times like twice okay and I'm laughing truly because I have been there done that not understood why it didn't work yeah I mean and that's the point a campaign because a campaign is not I mean honestly I know we're wrapping up but a campaign isn't about just creating some social media post and asking people to buy your stuff a campaign is about really believing in and knowing what your your messages are you know what the point of what you do is how you do it why it's important you know why people need it it's just about talking about those Concepts in a lot of different ways and you have to do that over a period of time and so it doesn't even I and Briar mentioned this earlier it doesn't have to be here by my thing it does not have to be about that it's just about sharing those ideas and engaging people who are interested in that topic how do they want to be engaged you know how do they want to be engaged what kind of stories do they want to hear what kind of information what kind of aha moments can you give them what one thing can you connect to another thing and they'll go oh my God I never thought of it that way like what information can you share with them that gets them engaged and excited and that's what it's about it's just about and for neurodivergent people I'm sorry like me my brain I start to think about one thing and it connects it to another thing that connects it to another thing and the next thing you know like I started with eggs and now I'm you know now I'm picking up leaves in the yard like I like I don't even know what happened and so for ADHD how you got there right exactly your sense to me exactly exactly which is why I'm saying for ADHD folks like your messaging could be like that let your brain free flow from one concept to another to another and be like how does all of this really how can I turn the chaos of you know all of these ideas into these different messages that I can have fun and play with like lean into that neurodiversity to play with those Concepts do it and and wrap there because that's perfect the last thing I'll suggest is if you don't know how to map out a campaign I strongly suggest that you get yourself a big ass sheet of white paper and a magic marker and you mind map that stuff start with the central topic build out spokes find all of your little points of connection do it on paper because it's tactile and you'll feel it and then you can put it into whatever computer system you have later on but if you don't know how to design a marketing calendar start with a mind map you'll feel like you actually know what needs to go into it yeah and you can use Post-its too I yes will sometimes get a big piece of paper or even on a space of wall and the Post-its because then I can move the Post-its around as well so that's also a good way to do it all right y'all this has been amazing as always what are we talking about next time Alice um that is a really good question we talked about the foundations we talked about um marketing campaigns I think we're gonna start talking about borrowing audiences when it comes to campaigns like it's just another level right campaigns are very diverse and uh complex so we're going to talk about how to borrow audiences that's that one's gonna be fun all right y'all
the neurodiversity media network is on sub stack at I'm eventually going to get that prettier I will drop the link in the comments please do come and subscribe we're doing important big things over here and we would love to have you if you need a community to help you brainstorm these things to be a support to borrow audiences because that is also something that we do in the Catalyst please find us my affiliate link is catalyst and we will have that in the comments as well show notes all the pretty things Alice where are we finding you um you can find me on my Facebook is fabulous with Alice okay it's a good place to find me and on LinkedIn I'm Alice Miriam all right y'all thank you for watching thank you for being here and we will see you next time for Bard audiences bye now bye for now oh oh I'm slow today I wanted to have this button
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