
Creating Your Connection Capital w/ Alice Miriam

Episode 3: Borrowing Networks

foreign there we are we are live hello hello hello hello welcome I am Briar Harvey this is the neurodiversity media Network today on creating your connection Capital with Alice Miriam we are gonna talk about borrowing Networks I've been looking forward to this one Alice for real this one's fun yeah uh it is fun because there's there's so many things that you can do here and um when it comes to like borrowing networks or audiences um tend to have um you know there's there's misguided things and and uh a lot out there around that topic and so I you know I always like talking about things where we can tell people what the BS is you know you know borrowing Networks Is For Real how I do a significant portion of my business whether that's through Affiliates whether that's through speaking on other people's podcasts or in front of their groups and it's also where I'm most aware of the circle jerk of coaching right this is where the incestuous circle jerk comes up most because you can really see who's in who's network you can I I mean literally the Jeff Walker Group has a name called Syndicate and you know who's in it because they're all promoting each other's stuff to the tunes of millions of dollars fine but you can do that and not be skeezy about it so let's talk about that yeah because I think for some people it's kind of like with affiliate marketing depending on your experience with it you may have a positive or A negative attitude towards it and it's fine if you have a negative attitude towards it and you're like no I'm not doing anything like that that's fine too but if you're thinking gosh I really need a way to reach more people uh then this is a conversation you're going to want to listen to because it does you're right it doesn't have to be skeevy just because you've seen icky things around it doesn't mean that the way you do it has to be icky because as our friend Marie Salon always says you get to create the rules right so you get to decide exactly how you're going to approach any particular strategy that you're going to use so so I'm I'm definitely glad we're talking about it today okay so let's start at

um and you

sorry it's okay February and clearly the internet is going to do what the internet does this one it's kind of been like this all month okay let's start at the top okay how are we creating these relationships that are helpful but not transactional and what are we asking for okay well the first really the first step in this is what your mindset is in regards to what you're about to do about this strategy because if you have I was once um in a clubhouse room remember when we used to do Clubhouse yeah vaguely vaguely remember um and I remember somebody talking about how they didn't like networking they didn't get a point of it and it never benefited them in any way shape or form and and I get it networking can be a really challenging situation however if you no matter what no matter what relationships your personal life work life all of those things if you go into a relationship with the focus on what you're getting out of it then you're you're not really showing up as your best self in that scenario and it's probably not going to serve you very well the mindset is in everything is how can you show up and provide some sort of service or benefit or kindness or help to others which can be challenging right if you're if you're trying to get somebody for example to maybe promote something for you like what's in it for them right and so you really have to think about things from the that mindset of this person's audience is going to benefit from this this person is going to benefit because they're going to be seen as this Authority that connected them with the person that found them the solution that they needed so there's benefits to everything I can help you by serving your audience because I can't be everything to my audience right I can only be what I am and every audience is full of human beings that have a lot of different needs and desires and things that are going on so it makes sense to be a leader in it of an audience of a community to be able to say what other resources and what other things does this does this audience need do my people need and you can come in and you can help fill that need so if you're coming at it from the right mindset and not focused on okay I need to get this many sales out of this this person's audience better come through for me if you have that attitude then chances are nothing you get from that is going to be enough for you you're going to feel dissatisfied from it because because you're coming at it from an expectation standpoint instead of a giving standpoint right from that perspective the operator and I talked about this a little bit last week how what's key here is that you have to let go of your ability to do all the things you have to believe that you can do this one thing well and that other people can do other things well or networking is going to be a challenge for you yes because if you're trying to be everything then who can you fill in you know and you know and this is a whole other conversation which I know we have in the Catalyst a lot with Marisa around burnout and trying to be and do all of the things because you don't have to be like you're not any less valuable or any less great at what you do because you only do one thing no and arguably if you develop these relationships ahead of time they can still be lucrative I had a dear client come to me last week and say hey Breyer I'm getting ready to scale up how do I fix this we chatted for a while and it was very clear to me oh you need operational help which means you don't need me you need my friend Veronica yance that's who you need and I introduced them and they are absolutely in love with each other now if my people wouldn't be in love with Veronica right because Veronica is amazing and I've got her on her podcast on Thursday I'm so excited just uh yeah it's uh I Ops on top y'all Sun top nice but I am a referral partner for Veronica so if my past client pays Veronica money I'm going to get a little bit of a bonus from that which was by the way not at all what I cared about when I introduced them what I cared about was that I wasn't the right person to help her but Veronica was the right person to help her absolutely and if you come at things from that point of view of what is the best way you can help this person then yeah some you know like I'm a Believer in you know Karma and things come around and you know if you're out there like faking it until you make it is not going to serve you in this instance you can't pretend like you want to help people while all the time what you really want is all of these expectations that you have in your head because no matter how hard you try there are certain things about how you act with people thing things that you do naturally that will come out when you have an expectation people can feel it you just you always get a vibe from somebody you know you just always do like something's off like I kind of like this person and I like what they're saying and what they're doing but something's off like there's always something so do not fake it till you make it if you need to sit down and like do some meditation or just sit down and write out like what is it that you really want you know what how what is it that you really have to offer and if you have these things to offer are you really willing to hold those things back unless you are certain you're getting something in return like you have to ask yourself that because if the answer is no I'm not willing to hold everything back unless I get something in return every time like okay I do want to give so then you could get yourself in in the right mindset for sure and just yeah how can you best serve other people

so I subscribe to a newsletter from a sales coach he was recently talking about her affiliate Network and she has over 300 affiliates and that number was a little astonishing to me and then I went oh well probably if you're actually doing it right that's a good start

yeah it is a good start I think when we think about affiliates there's an impression that they're going to be bringing us a lot of money

and I think that might be true if they have a very very large audience and a very very large list but if you have an affiliate with a list of a thousand and they send you one person every couple of months that's still a productive relationship so it's about defining your terms how do we Define terms for what makes a good affiliate relationship well first of all the person's audience has to be a good match for you right like you don't like just because someone has an audience of thousands doesn't mean that they're the Right audience for you and so another person that has an audience of 200 could be have the perfect audience for you quality when it comes to that always always outweighs quantity in that scenario you're going to convert at a much higher percentage uh those people are going to be much more excited about what you have to offer so you definitely want to make sure audiences are relevant and you you wanna if you don't have a personal relationship with this person or a business relationship where you know them really well then one of the things that you want to do is you want to do your research with the from this person ahead of time like check out their socials get on their email list like what are they talking about you know do you do you really trust them because that's can be very challenging in today's environment to find people that you would actually want to attach your name to that you have a relationship with this person so you want to make sure and as far as terms of Affiliates like there's that's things that it kind of it depends which is a terrible answer but it's the correct answer it always depends uh when it comes to like terms as far as like what's getting paid um what are you offering them all of those like details there's a there's a lot of different strategies when it comes to how you're going to build that affiliate and my recommendation is that you know you kind of research what's out there what's standard in your industry for um affiliate relationships because Industries tend to have sort of standards and and um there's a word I'm looking for but I can't find it right now um patterns that's the best I can come up with right now Industries have certain ways where things kind of go so so I would definitely investigate your industry and and what some of those things are for your industry when it comes to Affiliates but I would say again it also goes back to what we were talking about how can you best serve your Affiliates right what information can you provide them with what training what resources can you provide to them to make it easy for them to promote your stuff right that's going to be a big key and do you have are you willing to put in the time and energy to develop that material and those resources for them so that they can do that for you you know because if you're not then it's going to be a little bit harder for people to promote your stuff yeah okay let's go back to due diligence just a tad okay I have a former affiliate relationship that brought me a number of people who were not a great fit because how do I put this Alice because this person's network was

fake it till you make it drama all of that yep right and so I really encourage you to figure out some kind of personal standard what are your boundaries what do they look like and what is unacceptable Behavior someone I followed said the other day that she's got a three strikes Rule and she's not gonna tell you but she keeps an internal checklist of it that doesn't land right and on the third strike she just blocks them and I'm like oh that's highly effective like

it's not I think especially for neurodivergent folks who have rejection sensitive rejection sensitivity dysphoria this is a place where we struggle because we really we hate it when people reject us like that physically hurts us and so we don't like doing that to other people and will often carry on relationships to our detriments detriment

because we don't want to hurt their feelings [Music] and because we don't want to be the bad guy right absolutely who wants to be the bad guy no who wants to be the person who says no I'm sorry you just don't do it for me and in online business in particular that has a touch of dangerous yes right real effects oh sure if I say I don't want to work with you then are you gonna put me on blast on social media it's happened you'll survive it I promise I promise will they talk bad about you behind your back most definitely you'll also survive that though but guess what they are anyway right yeah right and that's what's key here is that what you want to be cultivating in these relationships are truly uplifting exchanges all of my affiliate relationships all of my what my sales coach calls circle of influence relationships are based around the idea of mutual Exchange in that I am giving them just as much as I am getting back it is what this podcast network is based around I get fodder for my media Network and I am giving my co-hosts SEO content original content that they get to go and create and do things with everybody wins here I want you to have that attitude about your affiliate relationships absolutely absolutely and here's the thing there's and there's more than just Affiliates when it comes to borrowing audiences and network there's lots of different ways that you can do that outside of an affiliate relationship because I know some people do have a bad feeling about Affiliates specifically some people have a bad feeling about networking about all different types of things but again if you go into it with the right mindset and the right attitude and I think what you said Briar is a key factor go into it with your own set of Standards like think about that ahead of time what are your standards for doing anything right because if you're so desperate to make a sale that you'll take it from just about anything anyone trust me you will regret it because there will be refunds there will be there will be so many things that happen it will not have been worth it for you let's not forget about the defaults because boy they'll do that too they'll just stop paying you right it happens every time if you do not follow your own standard if you give in out of desperation wanting the money whatever that looks like it will kick you in the butt it will come back to haunt you with something like that like every time the number of times I I can't I know not even worth it I know it's not worth it it's not worth it and as we go into 2023 there's

I I've talked about this quite a bit the idea of a recession is still the hit or miss there's a lot to unpack here but let's assume that things are a little bit more financially precarious for people they certainly were paying more for them and we've seen a lot of people in the industry quit we've seen a lot of people go back to full-time jobs we've talked about this before Alice and I and I think you really have to have a lot of Grace for the idea that business can sometimes be a not right now thing yeah and it's okay

but when you are building affiliate relationships or borrowing audiences you want to be looking at longevity

so how do we decide Alice what is going to make a good partnership agreement

like how do you decide what's going to make a good partnership agreement as far as the timing or yeah as far as as where you are in your business where you are with other people how do we decide this is the Avenue that I need to pursue at this time right well oh that's like I mean you have to know yourself number one you have to know are you in it to win it like is this it are you committed or are you just committed right now right especially for us uh neurodivergent folks uh sometimes we have hyper Focus while we're interested and eventually our interest runs out and we

so you have to know especially when it comes to affiliate relationships and building that like and that doesn't mean like if you have a thing if you have a you know because sometimes like I'm in the same industry right I've been in sales and marketing for you know over 25 years regardless of what I'm doing there's an application of sales and marketing so I can still build an audience and a list an email list um around that those topics and I can sort of change gears a little bit too awful so you can develop those relationships and still um promote for other people um have them promote for you when it's when you have a thing to do so you can do that but you have to know you really do have to know yourself and you have to know whether this is something you're going to follow through with so some indicators for you would be do you have a website right um are you changing your website um are you do you have 5 000 domains and are you changing the name of your business and domain every day uh or every week or every month or every quarter like if you're doing that often then you know it's going to be really hard to build affiliate relationships you can affiliate for others but it's gonna be difficult for you to have people affiliate for you when you're changing your domain and your website and your stuff all the time your logo your brand how are you going to provide them with assets and how are you going to nurture them and and really um build that relationship if you're changing your stuff all the time so if you're not stable enough that you haven't had your website for at least six months and have no plans on changing it for a while then I wouldn't look at trying to find people to affiliate for you and like in that way maybe a couple of people that you know that you're close to that you can say hey if you recommend me you know like that kind of thing fine but you're not creating any kind of campaign to recruit Affiliates to then like do this major marketing campaign for you you're not going to do that um that's a number that's a big indicator um same thing with like your brand and all of that if you're changing that every six months uh chances are you're just not ready and that's okay that doesn't mean you can't benefit from affiliate relationships it means that you're the affiliate you're not building Affiliates for yourself yet right and you can start to learn and grow what it feels like from the user experience from the other side of it of all of these different affiliate relationships that you're promoting for people who's doing a really good job whose affiliate program would you like to emulate because it feels good to you right that's a really good way to start with Affiliates is that way which is not to say you can't like change your mind or Niche down later I have podcast interviews from two three years ago where fundamentally what I was talking about is probably not the same thing that I am talking about now however briarvy.com has always been the place that I've sent people so even if the substance of the offer has changed the material nature of who I am and what I'm selling and how those things work are going to be structurally similar maybe not the same but similar and that's what we're talking about I need to be able to count on especially with podcasts podcasts are very long tail and if you're doing podcast interviews with people you gotta be sure that where you are referring them to will still exist two years from now yep yeah because I uh Maurice and I talk about this a lot we tend to click on we click a lot of links we do a lot you know when you're doing research you know for things and you find things and you're like clicking through and it goes to a dead link and you're like goodness this person is missing so many opportunities with this deadlink because the domain still exists they still have it but that particular link is done and it goes to a 404. like that is not that's not good like you can do better than that so you definitely want to make sure that your links go places because you can benefit from those clicks if you sent someone to a specific sub domain please build yourself a pretty link or build yourself a 404 page that has information on it yes these are definitely things that you can do to help people find you and get to you and again relationship marketing is a long game it takes years sometimes for these relationships to bear fruit and with that said you have to be really mindful about what you're putting out into the world now and how it will look two four six years from now which is really really hard sometimes really hard sometimes like really really hard um I can't tell you how many times I have memories pop up on Facebook I'm like ew why did I post that I delete it I like go back into my event I'm like let's delete that I don't know right if the memory comes up and I'm looking at it and going God I can't believe I attempted to sell that and I probably attempted to sell that to somebody else's Network at the time too because I have always done this kind of networking and relationship marketing so

where do those links go what does it lead to how can you take an old dead offer and still convert a customer off of it these are things you need to think about as you are building out these relationships yeah absolutely and there's a lot like and and again if Affiliates not your thing there's a lot of other ways you can Network and um build relationships with people to get yourself out there a little bit more and it doesn't just have to be through affiliate marketing so there's things like you could be a guest on someone's podcast that's that's not really an affiliate relationship but you are borrowing that podcast host audience when you're on there speaking and there's generally a call to action you can offer you know a free checklist or a download or you know they'll put your website their link to your website on their podcast so you know you do you can get some traffic if you if you get the right podcast with the Right audience for you that's one of the key things in that is that you want it to be a good match for your audience for who you want to serve um you can do uh even guest blog posting is a good way and that is a mutually beneficial relationship bloggers uh people who have what they need those link backs you need those link backs it really is a very mutually beneficial relationship and it can drive traffic to you from their site you know so there's there's a lot of ways that you can do that besides just do uh public speaking get in on um somebody's Summit right um co-hosts find somebody who has a Facebook group that's doing well and it doesn't have to be no if you have a hundred people in your audience you're not going to reach out to someone with a million followers okay like so let's let's get in the right space okay you're Where You Are [Laughter] and you're gonna look for somebody that's you know closer to your range but maybe still a little bit ahead of you and maybe they have a Facebook group that has you know several hundred people in it you know and you could offer them to do um some sort of a free training in their Facebook group which is great because they need content for their Facebook group they want to engage their people right so you can offer that and you're not selling anything it's just you're doing that free training and the people who want will go grab your free thingamabob and you know you start to grow your list a little bit and then you can reciprocate that person could come to your it's like a cross promotion kind of thing on top of it they can come to your group and offer a training right so there's a lot of different ways that you can offer

to borrow someone's Audience by providing Their audience with some form of value and thereby providing them with value right now I want to get into the difference here because some of these things are places where I can hear you saying in the back of your mind shouldn't I get paid for that there's a difference between borrowed media and earned media so earned media is very specifically those places and spaces which have so much status that if they aren't paying you for it it's actually probably a problem uh Forbes is a really great example of this if you write an article for Forbes the the real magazine you should get paid for that if somebody approaches you about being on Forbes coaches Council and wants you to pay money so that you can be on Forbes coaches Council then you should probably say no to that speaking engagements are another really good example of this I applied for one recently that is a huge conference and in the tick boxes as I was submitting on application was some note about how I might not get paid for this and I was like fine we'll see what happens as if my if my pitch is accepted if right if if travel will be paid for or accommodations will be paid for because if I can get on a stage where I know my ideal client is going to be and I can sell from the stage then perhaps I don't need to get paid for that on the other hand if speaking is my primary source of income then I better get paid for it so know the difference between borrowed media and earned media and again these are about your personal standards and boundaries there are places and spaces where I am perfectly okay with showing up and being like hey I'm here let me let me talk for you and other places where I'm like this is not worth my time unless you are paying me know the difference for you personally and it's going to be different for everyone right and again you have to start where you are right if you've never been a paid speaker before you can't expect that you're just going to get those top speaker fees you know you have to you have to show up and you have to build that resume so to speak you you show up and you you do the things um you know it doesn't mean that you shouldn't get paid at all there should be you know again it should be mutually beneficial right so if you're borrowing the audience like your example you're going to speak and you can sell from the stage that's an opportunity for you to make money so that if it's the right audience and it's a good fit for you and you're confident in your offer and you're confident in you know what you're going to be speaking on then that's a that's a good deal right there that could be beneficial and you also then can check off okay I have this in speaking engagement on my list now right and then you can get those uh maybe reviews or testimonials um from that experience so that you can start applying for paid speaking gigs that aren't just you selling from the stage right so start work where you are and have the you know have the right level of expectations right you know chances are you're not gonna warrant like if you've never done speaking before you're not going to get up there and get paid you know 50k for a speaking gig that's not that's probably not going to happen that's not gonna happen right so don't let people tell you oh get paid you're like no like you start where you are there are certain things you should get paid for I'm not saying work for free or any of that no just set that have the right level of where you are and I feel like if we come into this with the understanding of what is mutually beneficial then it's okay for you to trust your instincts about where you feel like someone might be taking advantage of you right if I am going into something and doing Summits are a big one for me I almost never do Summits anymore because that is not a mutually beneficial arrangement it requires that I promote myself dozens of times potentially to my list or my audience and I get 10 people who watch my thing and click my link and come back and subscribe to me in in in very few instances have I ever found being a speaker at a summit to be mutually beneficial for me I had a virtual Summit right and a lot of those and Maurice and I have this conversation I know I've had this conversation with you too those are fast food Summits right these are people that are running Summits two three times a year they have the same group of people they're promoting it to the same list of you know maybe a few thousand people yeah but it's just the same thing and people start to ignore it and there's no personalization there's no like yeah those kind of summits are not mutually beneficial you can do one of them to participate in one and be able to say you've done it if that's what you want right but there are better virtual events that you can get involved with involved with or in-person events that will be much more beneficial than the fast food type Summit that we're talking about that's not a beneficial yeah mutual no it's it's such a question of scale right because we look at these Summits with 40 50 people on the stage and go why wasn't I invited to that Summit but the reality of the work that an individual speaker has to do in one of these Summits is I I mean sure the organizer is doing a lot of work they're corralling 50 speakers to get their [ __ ] done and let's be real hurting entrepreneurs is a bit like herding cats

um and they have some excuses oh my God entrepreneurs they're terrible poor kind of stuff yeah yeah they're terrible but for the speaker in those Summits you generally have to pre-record your material you have to provide all of this stuff for a press kit I am still still y'all doing this podcast application that has like 30 [ __ ] questions on it and I want to be on this podcast because it's a good fit for me but I'm sitting here answering these questions going why the hell am I doing your job for you that is not a mutually beneficial arrangement

so know what your standards are and and have a good person perometer of when it feels like you're getting something good or when you're being taken advantage of absolutely and yeah we all have an intuition you know and so um developing your intuition more and leaning into it don't don't reject your intuition you know if it's telling you something's off then you know slow it down a little bit you know take it back a little it's okay yeah oh definitely for me if you've emailed me twice in one week about your summit or offer or thing I'm like no I'm sorry I can't work with you I literally have turned down clients who have been too fast on the like when we finish a call there's difference between excited and being a lot and that really for me I can tell the difference if you come back and say I'm so excited about this great if you come back and give me five voice messages that are 30 minutes longer than the call that we just had it's gonna be like no I'm sorry I can't I can't work with you and it's true for my affiliate relationships and my networking relationships too internet business is just not that urgent ever right and it's it's like relationships right like dating to borrow some terms once you get the ick there ain't no right if this is like if this is like some dude hitting you up on Tinder how do you feel when they're sliding into your DMs hey every three hours hey hey it's a little too much yeah yep yeah once you get the ick it's a done deal so let's talk a little bit about severing relationships because I feel like this is a place where people have so much uncertainty that they don't even enter into them in the first place yeah if borrowing someone else's audience is no longer working for you Alice what do you do well you can that well it depends on who you are right you have to know yourself and feel where you're comfortable if this is something you're concerned about and it's preventing you from developing relationships to borrow audiences and to network and do all that then just know you don't you know you don't owe anybody your time your energy and you don't owe them your reason either to be honest with you you just don't owe them that right you can just say you know what I'm just so busy right now I've had a bit of a change of focus like I'm not saying like you should be a liar or whatever but you they don't they're not entitled to to your you know your feelings on something that bothered you now I can say if you know a person really well for example if something happened like Briar you and I if you did something or something I feel like oh I need to talk to Briar like let's have a conversation like because we have a really great relationship and that is a relationship to me that's valuable and so I want to preserve that and so I would come to you and have that conversation but just some Rando on the internet no I don't own a conversation I don't owe them anything so know that you can still be like if you want to be like done blocked see ya like you could totally do that like if that's if that's yours have done have done have ghosted other people in the past because you get to decide what the terms are of your business you get to decide how you do business and you cannot and I know a lot of you who live right here in this place cannot worry that people are going to be saying bad things about you does it help you if I tell you to just assume that there are people out there saying bad things about you because they are right there are yeah what is that saying like what people think about you is none of your business right it's none of your business the only thing that matters is what you think of you period end of story and a borrowed relationship is not a marriage yeah I'm borrowing your audience we're not shacking up for the next 40 years having kids together like that's not actually the expectation here so it's okay if we have it's okay to break up it is okay to break up and and what I want you to think of here especially in terms of your business are y'all familiar with ring Theory it comes up in grief circles a lot or like cancer when someone has cancer they're in the center right they're they're the middle of the ring and then perhaps partner and children are the next ring out they aren't experiencing this thing but they are going to need support because they are supporting the person in the center of the Ring I encourage you to develop your business relationships in the same way you should have a very small inner circle of people who you know and trust and can go to in times of crisis when something goes down Alice is absolutely top five for me of Alice help me fix this hmm and vice versa thank you yes and know that there will be outer rings so the next ring out is hey I like you will you promote this thing for me great the next ring out is hey I've seen you around the interwebs maybe we can do a podcast interview together right right know that there are circles of acquaintanceship and relationship in your business too and that you get to decide who occupies those circles

and you get to decide to kick who to kick out of them right right so when we're building these relationships Alice how formal do we want to be I mean

I don't know like you don't have to be it depends on who you are right like are you a more formal kind of person do you want to keep things people at more of a distance like who who are you what level of a relationship are you comfortable with right um so you have to make that decision for yourself and your industry kind of matters too a little bit because there are some Industries where you know if you're in health or financial services perhaps it matters more that you have big fully fledged contracts right right exactly so you're you're you've got to figure out like you're between your industry who you are um you know and what level you're comfortable with and who you're starting with right if you're starting with that inner circle some level like I know Marisa will yell at me always have a contract always have a contract no matter who it is

um because yeah like you have to have an agreement and I think Maurice is a good example of that where experience has taught her that not having a contract is death whereas I sit over here contract Queen with people who have violated contracts anyways going oh well clearly having a contract isn't the be-all end-all of terminated relationships sometimes it doesn't even matter that I had the contract in the first place no but having the contract gives you the ability to take legal action if necessary right that just it just protects you and and your business so yeah but when we're talking about degrees uh I won't name names there are two very well-known people in this space who once sued each other over a launch that was worth about forty thousand dollars the cost of these lawsuits was about half a million dollars so just know and understand sometimes contracts are again worthless and forty thousand dollars seems like a lot of money and if it's worth it to you then maybe you want to pursue the legal not if it's gonna cost you a half a million but but that that does that seems a little over the line today if I'm being very honest here half a million dollars is I don't know y'all I don't know not excessive tag

so so okay we've talked about how to suss out quality we've talked about contracts we've talked about what you do with these folks how do you find these people Alice when I am building a good relationship Network and I'm brand new where do I go to find people who can do this stuff while you're researching right you you have to do your research um on people places things right so I mean one good way depends are you on social media are you not on social media so you can you know search if you're a Facebook person I'm I kind of am I'm not anymore but whatever um I mean I love Facebook we're on Facebook right now


so find some Facebook groups that are around your industry your Niche your thing right who are the leaders of those groups who are other people that are showing up as leaders in that group because technically they're also borrowing audiences right they're going in someone else's Facebook group and they're getting um you know they're being helpful and all of those things to to meet people so to speak okay so you can do that um you can research subscribe to people's lists that are in your industry so you can get to know them you can definitely do that as well um um research research research research I encourage you to search before you just reinvent the wheel by this I mean I know a lot of people who are like I've never seen something on XYZ topic so I'm going to build a summit or a group or whatever and do all of this back end work before I go out and make sure that there weren't five others of those kinds of things and sometimes you'll miss them truly but sometimes it's really worth your while to research and not try and start from scratch especially when we're building these kinds of relationships I like to look at the existence of something similar to what I want to do as validation of my offer if it's already out there in some form that means that probably there's a market for this thing that I want to do and build and create and rather than assuming those people are competitors I can assume that they might have the potential for collaboration yes like and that's I I try to look at people more as collaborators than competition when it comes to individuals because you can be in the same industry and still collaborate right that's that's totally doable because you may not have the exact same audience and you may have different like because even if you did have the same audience you're not the same person right this person is a different personality you have you have a different um perspective than they do want like so there's always differences when when you're looking at someone for competition when you're saying when somebody says who's your competition that just means who else is selling in your Market something similar to you so it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to look at that person as competition for you you can still view them as a collaborator so just know you know how you're talking about it yes you do have to find out who are your competitors what are their offers what are you doing in that space and where can you fill the gaps what's missing those kind of things in that sense of competition who else is doing what you do but view them more as collaborators I love that yes and I think it's a mindset I think and and I think that's where we started and that's where we'll finish you have to have the right mindset about building relationships and that these people are going to be the people that you need to know that they're going to materially benefit your business in some way that they want the best for you that they have your back and that they're rooting for you because if you have that mindset I think you'll find those people yeah absolutely I think so too and just and just know there's there's a lot of ways to borrow audiences um you know we could do 20 episodes on this honestly um so so there's a lot more things I mean like YouTube YouTube has its own audience so technically creating a well-research on a YouTube video could be borrowing YouTube's audience and driving traffic right so more SEO but that kind of it almost is borrowing audiences right people who are searching for you so yeah all right my friend what are we doing next week

um that is a I think it is SEO is it I actually feel like this goes right into SEO very well because exactly I'm just trying to pull up the document really quick so I can see um what's on our list but I'm pretty sure that it's SEO so while Alice Picks that up it is it's SEO so come back two weeks from now we'll be here to talk about SEO uh Alice working the book good people find you

um you can find me on uh Facebook fabulous with Alice and Instagram fabulous with Alice so come say hello come say hello [Music] uh this is the last week of enrollment for my neurodivergent families program if you or someone you know has a neurodivergent family who is in need of some advocacy some assistance and is struggling with putting all of those pieces together I would love it if he would come and join us in that program you can find all of the details at briarharvey.com families and this week the neurodivergent media network is introducing its first subscriber only podcast it's this week and I'm really super excited about this y'all so on Friday afternoons I'll be going over what we talked about in all of the podcasts of the week and I'll be doing a this week in the news in a short palatable these are the things that you need to know and you can ignore everything else kind of view so you can find all of that at still don't think the link is working so it's

neurodiversitymedionnetwork.substack.com because I have to go and yell at sub stack about the redirect

always always something all right y'all thank you so much for being here this afternoon and we will see you again tomorrow have a great