
Creating Your Connection Capital w/ Alice Miriam

Season 2: Unlocking the Power of Momentum--Strategies for Success in Life and Business


There we are. Hello, everyone. We are live. Welcome. I am Briar Harvey, and this is the NeuroDiversity Media Network. Today, I have the fabulous, Alice. And this is episode one of season two. So we are talking about momentum this season. And today, we're gonna unpack just some standards of measurement, guidelines, maybe some myths about momentum. And then we welcome you for feedback for this season. We'd like to address any questions that you have, leave them in the chat, wherever you watch this, and we will circle back around and pick them up at the end of the season. So let's get started. Hello, Alice. Well, hello, Briar. It's fabulous to be here, of course. As always, I'm delighted to have you here So let's do this.


Momentum is one of my favorite things to talk about. Yes. I do like momentum, and it's one of those things where I think that a lot of people don't understand how momentum works. They expect it to magically appear. Nothing magically appears people. Nothing. Nothing. And I also like, as we're talking about it, I think it's important to note that you know, this series is around connection capital. And so this is really about how you're building momentum with your connection capital and how you can do that. And so in this episode this first episode, we're really gonna break down what momentum is and what it means, and and we're really gonna dive deep into that because we do have a few other episodes to go where we can dive deeper into other aspects of it.


But I think a lot of people don't I mean, I think we're familiar with the word momentum. I think it's been a buzzword for a while. Right? And that's one of my best bet. Don't understand it. Right. If we understood it, it would not be a Buzzword. Right. Well, that's anything. Like and it it does it's kind of a pet peeve of mine because one of the things that happens when anything becomes trendy. Right? It becomes a generic version of itself. The trend does, which really does make sense because something to be trendy. It has to kind of be generic. Right? It has to almost fit everything and everyone except most things aren't really generic. Right? Like, Not if they're being authentic, not if they're being real, even authentic, friendly and generic for a while. Right? Like and it probably still is in a lot of cases. But in this instance, if you don't really understand it and you just have that narrow down trendy view of it, then you can miss a lot of things, which is why I love having this podcast with you and having these conversations because we can broaden what those things are for everybody. And, you know, maybe give you a different perspective. Give you something else to think about. All right.


So let's start at the top. How do we define momentum? Well, I mean, in physics, momentum is like some kind of scientific stuff about you know, the object itself, the momentum, the mass, and the velocity. Right? Like Alright. Let's let's let's googling. Right. It's Let's let's ask. It's, you know, the Expert English dictionary. It's a mathematical moment is momentum, mass, and velocity. Like, that's the thing. About the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.


Now, we're talking about this second one here. The emphasis gained by a moving object. And we're talking about your business as the moving object. Yes. And here's the thing. So the momentum we're talking about is about building momentum in your life and in your business as a process of gaining and maintaining forward movement and progress towards an end result or a goal. Right? Momentum can actually help you stay motivated. It can help you stay focused and productive, and it can lead to greater success and achievement. You know, there's a lot of stuff out there that's also trendy. Things like manifesting and, you know, law of attraction, there's all these things. And there's there's definitely a shaver on shady underbelly to some of those things that's very thick. Okay? But let success does attract success. Right? As you to gain that momentum with some successes, more assets tend to pile on top of that.


I witness this in so many different things. For example, I take my mom and we play Bingo on Sunday. And there's lots of older people. And I'm just gonna tell you there are some grumpy older people that do not like when other people win. Right? They're very like, there are some people. And those people, they don't win, like, ever. Like, they are they're so well, why can't I win? I'm gonna have to stop. Like, they just have this, and I just think to myself, they're just attracting all the negative. Like, they're just so focused on that. Yes. It's gambling. It's a game of chance. It's odds. But the people who win tend to be that people that are happy when they win. They're happy when other people win. They don't like, they're there to have fun and, yeah, everybody likes to win. Okay?


But I see this in life all the time where if you're focused on the things you're not getting, you're gonna get more of not getting. Right? Because your brain is picking those things up. You know? If your brain is focused on success in winning, then you're gonna see success in winning and more of it's gonna come. Like, I've just seen that happen over and over again. Over and over again. One of these days, I'm really gonna have to get somebody on and just do a really nice tight series about the law of attraction.


But on the positive end of it, not well, I I guess you don't wanna you don't wanna address the underbelly of it because people need to be aware of -- Right. -- those problems are. Right? Because it's very problematic in a lot of ways. Yeah. Maybe maybe I can do that in a season with Veeva. Oh, that would be fabulous. That that might be that might be the way to go. Yeah. So and and I agree. There the lot of attraction is bullshit, and what you've put out in the world has a tendency to come back to you.


It's not just about the energetics of it. It's about the momentum. And when you do the things that creates small, measurable changes. You can you find that they compound interest over time. One of my I'm from Omaha. So I live here in this fabulous city with Warren Buffett. One of my favorite Warren Buffett quotes is that seventy percent of his investments were trash. They were worthless. It was those other small things that have made him one of the richest men alive.


What do we do to compound those small things? Well, The first thing you have to do is you start small. Right? Because it's not always the big things. Like, if we focus on content taking big risk, that's seventy percent. You get no return on it. But if we start with smaller investments, smaller steps, something small achievable, something easy for us to attain, and you just have to start getting the win. Like, you have to start no matter how small that is, you have to start because in order Momentum is forward motion. Right? And it's something that builds on itself. So if you don't have a small win to start building upon, then you're not getting anywhere. Right?


It goes back to the idea that focus on the winds, no matter how small, no matter how tiny or insignificant it is. That mindset of any win is a good win. They're all good wins. And honestly, if you even look at some of the failures or maybe things that didn't turn out the way you thought, you can still look at that as a win because you gained experience and knowledge from it. So focus on the wind, but start small. Right? Take the actions. Little bitty actions. Right? Like a snowball. You know, you start with a little tiny snowball, you know, and you can eventually roll that into something mass it. Right? So one of, I think, I can't remember who coined Keystone Habits It was one of the hobby guys, but they're basically the small pivotal changes that when you look back, you can say, oh, this was the thing that started to make the difference for me. This was the one that started turning the wheel.


I think the problem is that when we're sitting in it, we have a difficult time identifying what those habits are. So let's talk about how to find them, identify them, and make product us on the small thing. The small things. Well, here's the thing. It it is gonna depend on I always say that. It depends. It always happens. It it's less depends. People don't realize.


So because, you know, just just like anything else in your life, there are certain things, like, I'll go, oh, that's easy. I could do that. And somebody else will look at it and go, oh, gosh, that's overwhelming. Right? So it depends on on who you are, how you view things, and it's okay. My easy simple thing doesn't have to be easy and simple to you. It could be overwhelming. And that's totally normal. It's natural for all of us to be in a different place and have different experiences and things that we feel comfortable doing. So what you have to do is you have to figure out what is We talk about this a lot in the catalyst.


It's the work back plan, baby. Always work back. Like, look at that big end result that you want. What is that? What's the thing that you see happening just before you reach staff. And then and just keep working back. What's the thing that would come before that thing? What's the thing that would come before that thing? And even if you and I, for example, had the same exact goal, and we did a work back plan, it might look completely different because we see how we get there differently. And that's going to look completely differently. And also, if this is a place where you struggle because a lot of neurodivergent folks can't look back because there's a spatial, differential problem. If you know that about yourself, get help. This is we talk about it all the time in the catalyst.


And if you would like to join us, In the Catalyst, my affiliate link is briar harvey dot com slash catalyst. Come get in there with us and look at how you work your way backwards because we won't see it the same way. And there is real value, I think, in hearing how someone else is going to approach that. Because it helps you define and refine your own choices. Right? If you say, oh, I do it this way, my response to that is either, oh, that sounds great. Or it's oh, god. That sounds terrible. No. Let me do that this way instead.


And all of that is information. Right? Mhmm. If things It is.


I always think collaboration makes everything. Because you get these different perspectives and honestly you can pick out the pieces that you like the best and just use those and throw away the rest. Who cares? Yeah. And we want to find those pieces of information collaboratively collaboratively because it's faster. Yes. Okay. And you get more information. So what does it look like then? To structure those things in. What does it look like to structure in the stuff from the work back plan? Yeah.


Well, you work it all the way back, to the very first thing. Right? What would be the first thing that you have to do? And maybe for you, you work it back to the first thing is you have to get up every morning by eight AM or whatever that is. Right? Set that alarm, get up. Maybe at whatever it is that you have to get going at that time. And that becomes a win. When you wake up that day at eight AM, check that off as a win. You had a success in getting up at eight AM. You know, it could be that you need to get up every morning and do this thing. It could be that you need to check your email, you need to look at your to do list for the day or make your to do list for the day. It could be whatever that is, that's a success. That's a taking of an action. It's the taking of an action. Because the more And they talk about this, like, in psychology.


Okay? They talk about this in, like, interrogation tactics, body language people. Right? You wanna get the yes. You wanna put people in a yes mindset. Right? Mhmm. You are people. Y'all. Right. Just you are people. So you can get yourself in your own yes mindset to yourself. Right? So when you can say I did this, yes. Right? And I did this, yes. Right? You're building up your own And and and so you really have to do that for yourself. Even though those are small things, you might think, well, that's it. Don't get in the right mindset. Build the yes success mindset for yourself because it works. Like, I mean, you know, it works. Okay. So We're cultivating small daily habits. We're celebrating our wins.


What does it look like to Create milestones for momentum. Well, honestly, that work plan, those are your milestones, really. Right? As you check off each thing to reach that spot, that work back plan, those are all of your milestones. Right? Anything And then anything that you can build on. Right? So a lot of these little successes might be more individual successes, but the more of those individual successes that you have, the more of them will start to connect back to other things. Right?


So maybe the first thing, for example, is getting up at eight AM every day or seven AM or sit whatever that thing is. Right? And you're getting up -- Not on your life. -- but just just just -- Right. -- something. Right? Whatever that thing is. And so now you're getting up every day. But maybe even though you have that success, you really need to connect that back to, okay, now I'm up. I need to be functioning. Right? I need to be productive now that I'm up. And maybe the productivity doesn't come right away. You're doing some of the other things and you're getting those yeses. And then as you start to build that sort of yes success for yourself with those little wins every day. Now you start to build up your own confidence in your ability and your own confidence in yourself, and then you can take that and then then you start being productive. Right? Because you've gotten up at eight AM, and now you're adding the productivity on top of that. Right? So now you're building upon it. And that's really what the goal here is with momentum. It's building offers each of the successes.


I mean, when you think of things like being a kid on a swing. Right? When you first get started on that swing. You really gotta pump. You gotta pump those legs. Like, you gotta move your body. You gotta really get it going. Right? You gotta work it. But eventually, the momentum, your mass and the velocity, now it's taking you away and you you can relax your body a little bit. Right? You can relax into it. And you still gotta do a little bit of pump with legs, but it's nowhere near as strenuous. As it was when you first started to try to get that going. So those first few are gonna feel a lot more challenging But once you build off of the other things, it gets easier.


Like, that's the magic of momentum. Right? Because we talk a lot about things like burnout, We talk a lot about running in circles and starting over and all of these things that are freaking exhausting. But momentum is one of those things that it takes hard work to get it going. But once it's going, you get relief And that's one of the things that I really love about momentum is it gets easier, not harder. You don't have to work harder once you've started to gain the momentum. Howard Bauchner: Right. And I think A lot of the problem is that the initial getting started is so hard that we give up because that's just human nature. So this is the part where you really buy into the tactics that make things work for you.


One of my goals this year personally, start taking a little bit better care of the meat sack. Right? Like so many things. I am I am forty two years old and the body is feeling it and I gotta do something about it. I've mentioned before many times my Achilles heel is exercise. So I've spent a lot of time this winter finding things that I will enjoy doing. And I haven't done them yet. Like, let's be clear. This has all been the abstract of what is it that once I start, I will be able to do with less effort. And sometimes it takes a while. To identify those things. But I think that it makes starting easier. Mhmm. And find stuff that you will have some level of enjoyment in. So I also have the same goal of working on the meat sack. And and let me tell you, I have put off exercising and doing any form of anything for a lot of in years y'all. And I only just started doing stuff, like, maybe in, like, January, February, And I've already I'm already, like, down a couple sizes in my clothes. I have more energy. I feel better.


And I'm doing it for me in ways that are fun. The first way is that I'm playing with my kids more. Right? Family Time. They love basketball. They love football. They love all of these. I don't know how to play any of these games, by the way. I'm terrible at them. But I do basketball.


And when I make shots, my kids are really excited and happy for me, and they're proud of me. You know, yay, mom, you did it. Right? But then we have a good time and my kids are like, thanks, mom, this was great. And then that makes me feel good. Am I tired? Does my body hurt a little bit sometimes? And I'm like, yes. Now I gotta go shower and wash my hair again because I'm all sweaty. That's annoying. Don't like it. But I love the feeling of having fun with my kids.


For me, that's the thing that has started to get me active and help me build that momentum is because there is a feel good piece of it for me. Right? If it was just my body hurting and sweating and working on my meat sack, I might be like, I'll do that later. Right? But So you find that thing that that you can find the joy in. So you can focus on the joy part of it. Mhmm. For me, it's dancing with my eleven year old. No. Because and we found Body Groove. It's really lovely. They have adaptations for a lot of levels of ability, and we just turn it on TV and stomp around and make a lot of noise, and it's delightful. And then my oldest and youngest, our as soon as the weather gets consistently warm walking. We're but for me, that is accompanied by zombies run. And if y'all aren't familiar with zombies run, both zombies and running are completely optional.


But it's story based movement. Like, I like it because I get to hear a new chapter of a story that is interesting to me, and I have to move to get it. Like, that's the that's the gamification that works for me. Right. To get off my ass, to get this next chapter in a story that I really wanna hear about is something that works for me. So Find those little things, and then you start incorporating them.


Not every day. I mean, You can't so let's talk are you familiar with the x effect that jerry sign fell? Don't drop the chain. No? Okay. No. Go on. So Jerry Seinfeld has that his whole, like, ritual routine is based off of index cards that he would just mark x's for for the calendar days. And the idea was that you don't lose a day. You make an x every single day that you did this one thing. For Jerry, it was write a joke. Right? And I think that there's value in it, but only if you like it.


If that doesn't work for you, how do you work something in as meaningful, but also not a requirement. I think a lot of us walk at the idea of pathological demand avoidance over here. Don't tell me what's do. Even I don't get you tell me what to do. Even right. Like, nobody tells me what to do, not even me.


So how do you work it at? I just for me, I I'm a random ass person. Like, I for me, I know I'm doing like, I the first part is the mindset piece. Right? For me, I'm doing it no matter what. And I'm doing it, like, I also not only do I post kids, but my my son got a VR headset for Christmas. And I use that. There's a workout app in there that I bought. And it's fun. I love it, combines my favorite music with some fun stuff.


And so I know I'm doing that three times a week. I don't care when. You know? But because I'm feeling better, because I've started to build momentum playing with my kids, And that's because they say, hey, mom, come play with me. Right? So I'm like, okay. And I say, what do I say? Yes. I have the yes mindset. Yes, kids. I will play with you. And so we go play. So I I'm lucky because mine are attached to other people saying, hey, come do this.


But because I'm building that momentum and I have more energy and I feel good, I also then could say the week. What's my week looking like? I kinda give myself, okay, maybe, like, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. That's where I'm going this week. And if that doesn't work out, I don't stress about it. I do sometimes I only do it two days a week.


Because I just didn't fit in the third time, but I never feel bad about it. Not ever. Because I'm like, I'm feeling good. It's all good. I'll give you three seconds.


Momentum requires that yes. You have to buy into the idea that any progress is good progress. Any progress. So I think the issue here especially for a lot of our people, is that progress and consistency have been so closely listed. Right. And I don't think that they're the same thing. No. And I don't think that consistency is a requirement. Like, I've done a lot of things in my life and fits and spurts and starts. Well, that has gotten me to where I needed to go. Okay.


But here's the thing about consistency. How are we defining it? How are we defining consistently? Because I tell you what, if every year for the last twenty years on New Year's Day, you made a resolution, you very consistent make a resolution every New Year. So that's one time a freaking year. But that's consistent, isn't it? Right? So how are you defining consistency? Are you defining consistency? Something you have to do every second of every day, every minute, every thirty minutes, every hour, once a day, twice a day? Like, what are you defining this consistency as? Because you can still feel consistent I'm consistently moving towards taking Care of my meats. No. But am I consistently doing it at least on a fairly regular basis to where I'm feeling better? Yeah. So maybe redefine consistency for yourself in a way that feels good for you because then maybe you can feel the consistency to help you build that momentum.


And I think the issue here is that consistency gets tied into productivity when that is false equivalency. Right? Your productivity has nothing to do with your baseline level of consistency. You get to decide what consistency means to you. Productivity is a metric created a hundred and fifty years ago that does not apply to your life much in any way. At all. And I think overcoming the mental blocks go listen to my all first season with Beevah. Y'all. There's a bunch of stuff in there.


What does it look like to build momentum while not feeling like you're getting anywhere. Building momentum without feeling like you're getting anywhere? Because it's that early stage of pumping. Right? You're not going anywhere. But you still gotta be consistently doing those things as you have defined consistency. Yeah. I mean, I'm gonna say something that sounds terrible. You know, enjoy the pain of it. Yes. And, like, use that sort of that that off. This is hard. This is like, who is this gonna pay off? Is this gonna do? As as your yes metric. Like, yes. Thing right now. Yes. You know, I'm not like, this is going to go somewhere. Like, this is the foundation of my my momentum. I'm pumping it. You know, if you've got the sweat working up, that is part of momentum. That is yes. Right? That is yes. Feel, you know, enjoy that part of it.


I think the reason that we don't is because we have social media accelerates this, but this has always been the way. We glamorize the end product and not the process. New. So you really have to find ways to appreciate process. And what that looks like for you will depend? Mhmm. Yeah. That's a good point because, again, that's what happens when stuff becomes trendy. Right? It became trendy to, you know, make everything sound fluffy and fabulous. Right? And, you know, amazing. Everything's uniform and sparkles and rainbows. And this is, I did it. You can do it too.


While not talking about all of the dirty, ugly hard truths that go along with it. And you know, and they're dirty and they're ugly and they're hard, but that doesn't mean they're bad. Right? Like but because for so long, we spent so much time hiding those things. It that and started to feel like hard and ugly and and challenges. It's life. You have to deal with it. It's life. And there's ways to deal with it. But we've spent a lot of time pushing that down and hiding it away and not talking about it. So most of us don't know how to deal with it. Howard Bauchner: And I think that the way through here is finding a process that you enjoy the finished product of, and then learning about the ugly stuff.


For me, a lot of this movies, film. Right? Big millions of millions of dollars to get to this finished product of, you know, Tom Cruise jumping a motorcycle off the side of a mountain. Right? Doing his own goddamn stunts. But what does that look like behind the scenes? And once you know, right, how the story is tapped is told how they make the sausage so to speak. Yeah. Right? It generally, I find doesn't change the magic, just changes my awareness of it. Right? I can go to a movie I can see what they're recording or what the finished product is while also in my head knowing, oh, that's all green screen here. That was actually really well done for being in a green screen and nobody saw anything that was going on in this sequence. Yeah. For me, it makes it even more magical. Right. Like, look how cool Like, we know they had to do this and this and this to get that and you can't like, wow. Wow. Yes.


And I think that that's it's beneficial to know about your process, definitely. As you were making something, please go and investigate the hidden underbelly and stories of people who have done this thing before you, I am for years of years have been fascinated by, like, the a day in a life profiles of people because I just wanna understand how they're doing this life thing in a way that has eluded me for so many decades. Right? I just wanna understand how they're adulting. I I don't get it. Turns out nobody else does either. Right? You're just kinda you're just there. Everybody's day in a life is a day in the life and what works for them. So when you are working back your own process to develop your own momentum, you're finding the ways to make this work for you so that you can create that momentum as you go forward.


Let's talk about what happens when that happens, Alice, because sometimes we do all this work of building our way there, and then we get there. And we are overwhelmed by. Oh, shit. The wheel is turning. Uh-oh. Is that me? Is that you? Continue. Okay. It could be. Oh, hey. Okay. We have arrived. Technology. It's delightful. Okay. What happens when you get there and the wheel is turning and everything is working. Because that's overwhelming for a lot of people. It is. It is.


Well, I mean, part of your process, part of the journey that you're gonna be on as you're building momentum towards whatever these goals that you have are in your life and business is getting that yes mindset for yourself, building that up, get getting that yes success. Right? And building yourself up that you freaking worked and earned it and deserve it. Because, I mean, maybe everybody had, like, has a different reason for not you know, forgetting there and feeling like I'm done with this. Right? Like, so that you could just be burnt out on that thing. Hello, ADHD, hyper focus. Like, I'm onto a new thing. I'm like, let me come over here now. Like, oh, wait, squirrel. Like, this hat this Okay?


But I like to remind myself If this goal is important to me, if this is something that, like, I really want, and I do have a couple of those goals, And when I find myself getting distracted and running off and doing other things, I always come back to it and ask myself, why am I running away from this thing? Right? Like, I have to have that conversation to myself. Why am I tired of this thing? Do I just do I need a break? Is it still important to me? Because trust me when I tell you, these three main goals that I have, they're always freaking important to me. They always will be. Their my future. Right? This is and that's just the bottom line and I know that. Deep in my every cell of my body, I know that. So but I do find myself veering off of it very often.


So I just have to write I just have to give myself space and grace sometimes. Sometimes I say, okay. You know what, Alice? Go off and diddle on this thing for a little bit and let that and then let it go and then come back. And that's okay. I give myself the space and grace to do that. And I also give myself the space and grace to constantly. And this is something that people would be really great at because I know she's got her affirmations journal. But you really do have to let me tell you, I have a couple of songs. I have I have a playlist for myself. That's all about me being I'm on fire. Right? Like, I'm the best. Ain't nobody better than me. Right? I have that pet playlist for myself and I will I play it when I'm in the shower every chance I get just to be like, that's right. I'm amazing. Right? And fill myself up so that I know I deserve it. Because sometimes, you know, we maybe don't feel worthy of what we're trying to achieve. And we are all worthy. We are all worthy.


And momentum is It's really interesting because I think there is an inclination once that flywheel picks up speed to slam the brakes on it. Like, oh, shit. I didn't actually mean to do this. But you did. So how do we support in addition to affirmations and doing those things, do you support yourself through momentum changes? Well, I mean, yes. Acknowledge that there are gonna be some momentum changes and, you know, try not to overthink it. Like, that's a problem. I'm an over thinker. I have so many stories happening in my head even right this moment while we're having this conversation. There are all kinds of zombie stories and other stories happening inside of this rat's nest of a brain. So calm down the series, but one of the things that I would say that's been helpful for me, and and Brian, I'd like to know what's been helpful for you.


Is community of people that I have I have chosen these people And also, these people have chosen me. I mean, we're just each other's people. Like, there's no doubt about it. That can really help me with that because, you know, they give a lot of space and a lot of a lot of love and a lot of support in you know, whatever it is I'm going through. Because the last thing that you want is to be around anybody that's going to say, yeah, you probably shouldn't do that. It's too much. It's too hard. It's too this. Or anybody that's gonna put you down or what you're trying to do down in any way, shape, or form, get the heck away from those people. Like, get away from them. Nobody needs that negative ninnies in their life. Okay? We don't need it. We don't want it by Felicia. Like, that's what you say to those people. Because no. Thank you. But get that Because momentum is not built with no's, not just your own yeses matter, but everyone around Jews. Yeses matter. Clearly this episode is sponsored by the catalyst where Alice and I have both built community.


Part of the issue is that you have to find these places first. Like, you need people who will call you on your shit before you get to a But in the most loving, possible way. That's correct. But you have to have those communities situations, environments in place. I look at people who are often very public when they are going through hard things. And always think, girl, where is your group chat? Mhmm. Define what support looks like for you. Define ahead of time when this happens, because this is what I am building, what am I going to need to support myself through that. And again, this answer is different for everybody, but knowing ahead of time what that's going to look like for you allows you to foundationally put it in place before you get there. Yep. Yeah. I think to because also the thing that I wanna say about that is that if you don't do that, if you don't foundationally have some of those things at least in place that you've already defined for yourself. Right? Then in the moment as this momentum is starting to gain momentum and you start Troll.


Well, you may not be in the right headspace decisions for yourself. And I'm gonna tell you how detrimental it can be to be hooked up in the wrong community with the wrong people. And how you need to trust the people to support you in the way that you need to be supported. Because the wrong support, the wrong people, that can wreck your shit. And on that. Right. And and you know you know based on how you feel when you take your big ideas, to them and how they respond.


My husband is my biggest fan. But I do not take money ideas to him first. Because he'll shoot me down, but because he will ask me all of the questions that I am not in any way paired or ready to answer yet. Mhmm. Like, I need somebody to build me up first. And be like, oh, yeah. That sounds amazing, Briar, so that I can build the plan in my brain first. And then I'll take it to my husband who will poke all the holes in it. But you need to know what those things are, how you find them and how you approach those people? Like, I for real, twenty plus years now. He's been poking holes in my shit, and I am profoundly grateful for it. Because I need somebody to take my ideas and go, okay, that's amazing. And have you thought about this? Have you thought about that? Have you done this yet? Well, fuck. No. I haven't done any of that shit yet. God damn it. Now I have to go and do all that stuff. Mhmm. But if I take it to him when they're new, with that stuff, it's deflating. It's very deflating. Right? I need to take it to my people.


Usually, it's the catalyst. I'm like, I'm gonna do this thing. And they're like, oh my god. That sounds amazing. I wanna do this thing with you too. Great. Then we build it and flush it out a little bit.


And then I go No matter what I I go in the catalyst and be like, okay, I'm taking over the universe today. Who wants to come with me? And there's always like, hell yeah. Let's What do I do? Does not matter. I'd be like, I'm gonna become a hula dance. Let's do it. Let's Google these YouTube videos. I got people texting me. It's like, it does not matter what you tell them. That is dang support. Right. And and again defining your support and how it's presented to you matters because while my husband is very contrarian, again, it's always it's it's in a supportive environment. Mhmm. I take it to him knowing that he's going to pull coals in it. Because he values the idea and wants to see it succeed. So you have to really kind of figure out where those boundaries and what the limitations are for support because not everybody can be all of the kinds of support that you need. For example, I don't ask Alice to poke holes in things. That's not what I'm I'm looking for build up support -- Right. -- there. I'm not very good at poking holes. So No. That's not. So let's wrap this up.


I think with some of the myths around momentum. What are things that people believe about momentum that aren't true? That it just they believe that it just happens. Right? They believe, oh, I'm gonna do this thing and that means I'm gonna build momentum or another one of my favorite things, which I mean, that tends to be a big thing online. Like, I posted one thing and nothing happened, so I can't get any momentum going. And I did one thing one time, or I did one thing two times. Like, that like, again, momentum, you got to get that pump action going. You really gotta work it. You gotta put your whole body into it to to get that swing going. Like, you gotta do it. If you're breaking a sweat, if your body hurts, then your you're in it, and then you gotta build on that.


Now, the other part of momentum, I think that gets all mixed up in people's head is that that sort of generic view of what momentum is. Right? Or how long it takes to build momentum or, you know, there is no set time. Again, it's forward movement progress. Right? Progress. Any progress. Sometimes you can be building momentum very very slowly, like, so very slowly. But it's you're still working towards it. Right? So for you, you know, maybe like my mom, she's got a bad back. She's had ten back surgeries. Okay? Yeah. Okay. She's still full of nuts and bolts. And Like, for her, she can't get on that swing and really put her back into it because she got no back left. Okay? So she's got to maybe work with the feet alone, and it's a little bit slower of a process for her to get the momentum.


But any forward motion is on your way to building momentum. No matter how small, people think momentum. Like, it is this it's a big word. Right? It feels powerful and it feels like momentum needs this great big giant, like, boom. Here we are, action. But it doesn't. Momentum doesn't need that. For everybody, that beginning, those steps looks a little bit different. For everyone, any forward motion, build that yes success mindset for yourself with any forward motion. No negative self talk on that because it's different for everybody.


One of my favorite stories here is how long it took JRR tolkien to ride the hobbit? And would that I could have been a member of that writer's club where you're meeting up with CS Lewis every day and going, my work is shit. But that's exactly what happened. For years and years, he toiled on that book and really it took consistent, steady momentum to write this thing that once he'd finished and published, the Lord of the Rings trilogy by comparison took half the time. Yes. It took those initial starts to figure out how to write, how to and and to be clear here, I realize I'm probably I'm probably gonna get nasty letters when I say this because much as I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy, actually the hobbit is my favorite book.


I think there's something about it that's really magical in the way that it is written as that first freshman effort starter novel. Right? There's just something magical about it. The Lord of the Rings is the epic behind it, but it's that start that's so special. So, really, I feel like you get to you get to go at your own speed. You get to determine what momentum feels like and means to you. And then you get to go forth and put it out in the world. Yep. And that's the thing. You do have to put it out in the world. Oh.


And we will be talking just so you know. We will be talking more about some of the myths as we go throughout here. We'll talk about the tracking. We'll talk about expectations. Like, we'll talk about some of that. That stuff, which will also help you, you know, really get a connection with yourself and momentum and finding your momentum. Right? Your momentum your way. And I think that's exactly where we leave at y'all. Your momentum, your way. So I'm really looking forward to this series. We've got three episodes planned for the Raptors went out. Yeah. Okay. And we will be back.


Next time is tracking. What you have planned for the next time? Yeah. We can talk tracking. Okay. So it'll be a little dry. It'll be we could probably put in a combo of, like, the planning and the track. Okay. Right. Kinda a little bit of that. Yeah. Awesome. Alright. Yeah. This has been fantastic.


Next time, we'll be talking about planning, tracking, building your momentum, seeing it on paper because that that's important. You gotta be able to see it to understand what you're building. Mhmm. And we deeply appreciate your support here. At the neurodiversity media network. This is what we're building. These kinds of programs where you get to really feel like your understanding is developing through the series. I want you to get more than surface level knowledge of a topic. TikTok is amazing, and you can only learn so much in three minutes. So we will be back here to wrap this out next time. If you are interested in joining us, please find us at neurodiversity media network dot com. If you would like to join Alice and I personally in community, we welcome you to do so. My affiliate link for that is bryder harvey dot com slash catalyst. We would love to have you. And we will see you all next time. Thanks for being here. Bye now. Bye for now.

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