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Voices of Neurodiversity

Let's Talk About A.I.


And welcome, everyone. This is the voices of neurodiversity. Here on the neurodiversity media network. I'm very excited about this. Let me see. Are these better friends? Have these feel like slightly better friends? And Nina is here as well. Great. So everybody can introduce themselves. I'll start with our oldest arrivals so our newcomers can get settled. Very excited. Y'all, it's gonna be an easy conversation. So let's go forth miss Jessica Jack's Thomas Burch stuff.


Hey, so I am a writer and creative futurist. I'm currently working on a speculative science fiction trilogy at this point to discussing many of the topics that we're gonna be talking about today. And you're using chat GPT to assist in the creation of that novel. It is my creative companion. I'm using it to both generate prompts that will help me in my writing. As well as organizing my character bios, my outline, my plot, all the good stuff. Alright. Veronica Yan, Hello. Hello, everyone.


So I am a founder and CEO of an operations consulting business, and so we basically tell people, we whip business back ends into shape so that when they dial in their internal and revenue operations, they can be fully prepared to handle the rapid growth and expansion that they feel when they go like fifty x, like, say tomorrow. So we love butt stuff over here. And thank you for setting the tenor of our conversation today. Because I really want it to be light and informal. We're here to have a good time. We're here to talk about ideas. I want it to be fun. Alright. As she said earlier, old in Internet dog ears, miss Lacey Fox. That's right. I've been around a long ass time on these Internet streets. Yeah. I run the content direction agency. I am a content marketer. I call myself also a content strategist because we don't do any content marketing without the strategy behind it. And I have been playing with AI writing tools since they first started coming out when they were laughably bad, and now they're much much better. And so I can bring that how to use this in your business and marketing voice as well. And I'm also using it to help me with a novel, Jessica. So Amazing.


And Britney Budd taught a fabulous course last week about how to use chat GPT. It was great. It was so good. Good deal. So tell us your perspective and how you came to it? With respect to Chachi BT or just, like, in life. With respect to chat GPT or at least AI in general. Yeah. So I'm pretty bad, and I'm call myself the content queen.


I've been doing mindset in business coaching for three years now and pretty pretty recently kind of made the pivot into content strategy, similarly to Lazy. And I I you know, these things are gonna keep happening. And, you know, we kind of have this resistance at first, like, oh, shit. Like, I don't wanna be out of a job here. And so when this chat GPT kind of started getting little bit of buzz. I thought, okay, I need to, like, dig into this so I can be honest about my thoughts. And I was, like, oh, this is such an amazing tool, such an amazing resource. So, yeah, last week I held a class, teaching people how to use it for their business to come up content, to come up with years worth of content, to pair it with Canvas, to make graphics in bulk for you, just so much fun. It's a game changer if you know how to use it. That's for sure. Yes. And that knowing how to use a part is important, and we will definitely get to that. Yeah.


Nina Raver the futurist among us delighted. Hi, everybody. Excuse me. I've already been talking a lot today. I'm sure you can't imagine. I'm the founder of the two k days project. That's an international initiative for justice conscious business leaders creating these social structures of the future. I am a social futurist, which means that I am very, very particular about building the social and civil structures that are going to make sure that our technology enhances us, not replaces us. So I'm really excited to be here talking about chat GPT. And how we can use it and not be replaced by it. Okay. This is gonna be fun.


I wanna start with, I think, some general thoughts about how usage is going to take our jobs. Okay. Because that's what we're hearing. Right? Like, when people are talking about this, when the media talks about this, it is very overwhelming, overbearing, it's going to change the world. And I think everyone here has used it enough to be able to say that that's true, but not in a way that people are talking about it. This is not Skynet. I we're we're ways away y'all I mean, so far away. What structurally is do you think is going to change the most. And we'll just kind of ping pong around and I'll hit you all for every question is how we're gonna do that. So let's start this one with Britney. What is going to change the most with this software? Well, right now, we know it is behind by over a year.


So I think that once it's once it's caught up with how smart we are and what's going on, I think that's gonna be a huge game changer. And, like, we already know when I talked about this in my class, like, Google owns the most human like robot. So I don't think that chat GPT is too far off from becoming more human like And, like, we can't we can't get it to do different things. Like, I had it I had to create me, like, a script for real, and I was like, make it sound like a Taylor Swift song, and it was like, okay. And, like, my email let's got an email today, and I was like, make me a workbook, but make it sound like Alexis rose from Shitts Creek, and it was like, okay. And it did it. And it did an amazing job And so I think that it's only gonna keep getting better and smarter.


And as, you know, on to entrepreneurs and content creators, we have to We have to play this game. This is one of these things where we have to play this game. And if we're not learning the new technology and learning the new tools, gonna get left behind. I don't know if you guys saw the article that came out there yesterday or today, but it said the chat GBT passed a master's level business exam at out of college in the in the states. Like, that's a big deal. That goes to show how much knowledge it has, which you know, we know is pulling from the Internet, which has answers to absolutely everything. But as as content creators who are we're trying to build and not be replaced. We need to be able to use this as a resource and as the tool that it can be. While keeping ourselves at the forefront of our businesses, because that's what we are. You know, we're kind of the face of our company. Then that's the most important thing. So as it keeps getting smarter, we have to be able to So Veronica, when you first came to me, you said I'm using it and I feel weird about it.


Yeah. And I've come to love it a lot as a tool. And no, and I'm just being completely transparent because what else is there to be. I was weird about it because one of my core values in life and at business late there is integrity. Right? So it's like how do we use a tool like this that is so capable of doing such amazing things, but in a way that aligns with your ethics. So that was something that I was learning, and it's something that I'm testing from the lens of operation strategies.


Like, our clients come to business late there and they're like, oh, well, this onboarding process or whatever we're doing is really, really manual or really, really clunky and inefficient. So I start putting information into chat GPT for instance, and I'm just, like, pretending to be a client, and the information that they're asking that our clients cannot give is quantitative data. And so when all I have is qualitative data, like, oh, it's taking me five steps or I just don't like how long it's taking me to do this or whatnot. ChatGBT couldn't answer anything. They're like, we need data sets to this. So I'm just like, oh, so there still requires a human nuance element to this. Because listening to the interviews, because we believe that six that's what operations begins with people. It's like, this cannot replace people, at least for the work that we do and the and the problems that we solve. So it's helped me understand where chat GBT falls into the spectrum of our work in our life and tools are just the tip, like apps of the iceberg. So it's like without the strategy, without the intent, without your core values being set, you, I don't think, can unlock it fully, at least, in my opinion, to what you wanted to use it for in the best way. That was a really long answer to integrated matters and ethics matters, and I've perfectly found it.


Lacey, what do you think? Does this structurally change I mean, you're a copywriter. So Is Chat GPT coming for your job? So the the short answer is no. The longer answer is, I think a lot of people are going to try to use it that way and they're going to be disappointed. Now, are there ways to get it to do amazing things? Absolutely, hundred percent not disagreeing with any of that.


On the other hand, there are a lot of drawbacks that I still see. And so I'll just name a couple of them just office on my head. The first one is that, like, as Britney mentioned, like, an AI by definition is learning from stuff that already exists. So if you are asking it for derivative content, whether that is derivative of, like, here I'm giving you a dataset. Please summarize this and help me out, or write me a blog post about something that it can essentially go Google. It's derivative. Right? Like, there is there's no original thought happening. Which is fine. In a lot of cases, that's all you need. But, like, there there are drawbacks to that. So, like, in the work I do as a copywriter, especially for brands, like, they always want an original voice. They want an original take on things. They want and none of that is gonna be generated by an AI that by definition is remixing things that already exist. Now we could get into like I'm literally remixing things that already exist as a human being as well, but I have a little more capacity perhaps than the AI, at least I would have. The second thing there is that and I'm sure we'll get into this later, but, like, AI is notorious at this point by the fact that who's you have to look at who's programming it and what is the data set it's learning from. And whatever biases are already in that, are gonna be reflected in what it's turning out. So that's something I wanna see. And I bet Nina will have more to say about this, but that's something I wanna see absolutely more transparency and clarity around because that's where we get into really bad problems like they're A lot of people talked about when that lensa app was really popular for a few minutes about how the the images, you would upload a picture of yourself and they would be center, lighter skinned, more Caucasian looking.


Like, I had that myself. I'm a larger person and most of the avatars that generated for me we're thinner than I am in real life. Right? So, like, that's a thing. It's a bias because that's what it's learned. It's not what the AI is. Fat phobic. It's just learned that from the dataset that it and it's learned fat phobia from the dataset it was presented with. Right? So that's a second one that really bothers me.


And the third thing that I think is maybe make sure that my job at least for the minute is super safe is that I'm already seeing my colleagues putting language in their contracts that says the output you receive from us will be a hundred percent human generated or not. Hey, I'm so glad you brought this up because I started talking about this. And this is key. There are already high level copywriters who are saying, we're not using chat GPT in the final product of the copy that you are paying for. And that's not even participating. Right. No. I think it's actually going to like, my prediction is that at least in the shorter term, like, maybe the next, I don't know, one to five years, it's actually gonna put a premium on human generated, human written copy.


And Jessica and I already had a conversation briefly about this and that it's kind of a weird place to be that we're saying, like, human generated copy. But I had this conversation with my team. I I have four writers under me and our in our agency. And we have this conversation because we're all talking about it internally too. Like, oh, I tried this and it worked. Oh, I asked it to summarize this transcript of a client call and it was really helpful. Right? And so we're still feeling out the edges of what's appropriate And what's where does that line?


And there is no bright white line. Right? Except I think this is my opinion. Having it completely right for example, a blog post for my clients would be disingenuous for me. Like, if they're paying me or my team to write something, we should be doing the writing not feeding a prompt to chat GPT. If you're paying somebody to do that, great. But we, you know, do that. Like, say that's what you're doing.


On the other hand, where is that bright white line between what we do and how we use that tool as Veronica was talking about? You know, it's like, this is a tool. It is gonna make some of our work easier. It's gonna make some of our lives easier. But we have to find internally what is that line? And how are we gonna describe it to our clients and put it in our legal contracts and things like that? So That's sort of what we're at, but I don't believe it's coming from my job right this minute. Although people will try it.


And, Nina, we get to the really important questions of integrity and honor and how we integrate this tool, which is an an important thing to note here, highly accessible I know people who are using ChatGPT to do things that they could not have done before. So we're we're I don't think anybody here would advocate for it to go away ever, and you can't close. This Pandora's box once it's been opened anyway. But the accessibility portion matters. How we take that and help it to go forward matters. So, what does that look like, Nina, when it comes to jobs, when it comes to how people are going to find themselves out of work?


Howard Bauchner: So for a very, very long time, we've been on this trajectory of making labor more and more obsolete. And I'm done with that, but relationships will absolutely never be obsolete. When we're talking about integrity and we're talking about honor, we're talking about how we feel when we are with another human being. And we will absolutely I mean, just based on what I know about how human beings evolve to work with things, we will absolutely get to the point where we don't care about what's written. What we care about and what our writing will be charged with is the process of getting something done. So again, yeah, absolutely the labor of writing will become obsolete. The relationship of creating content. The value of being known, being seen for your business, for your work, and everything else. Is not something that any form of AI will ever be able to replace because it's mostly chemical. You're either muted. I don't know why I can't hear you. That was me.


Which brings us to an inter interesting intersection, I think, with the art in particular. Right? Artists have been very opposed to mid journey to dolly, to those particular AIs, which scrape things and generate work that they themselves are not generating. Why do you think there is more resistance there than there is in, say, writing and copy. It feels like a different argument even though structurally, fundamentally, it's the same conversation. You're asking me? Because artists protest, art is activism, art is expression, and computers must not take these things over for us and therefore can't. It's one thing to go and have a pretty portrait of yourself made you're not soul connected to it. It is a completely different thing to figure out how to visually or musically express those things that make us so human. It's a completely different experience seeing something and having that move through you, AI won't be able to replace that. It won't be able to explain it. No.


There's a theory called the uncanny valley, and it shows up in art and in filmmaking. What we're talking about is a sense of realism that when we look at a piece, we can tell that it's not quite right. I've been talking about this for years on the podcast because especially the early aughts Children's movies, the Incredibles comes to mind in particular. We talked about the uncanny valley a lot because those people don't look like people. Their computer generated, but they changed the art style significantly between the Incredibles and the Incredibles two because people did not like the way the Incredibles looked in that first film.


When you look at mid journey now, there are problems. Fingers are a big one. Right? But it's also the a thing that struck me a lot is that when you ask it to generate kitchens, there's a lot of little appliances on the counters but it doesn't know what they are. It can't tell that that's a coffee maker and that's a toaster Right? It it doesn't know what those things are for. So when we're seeing that AI can duplicate but not create. That's really important.


Jessica, I think this is where you I think you've done the most work with having it attempt to produce something creative. And you've had problems. I have had a couple of problems as far as mid journey is concerned. If we're if we're specifically talking about using mid journey as a storyboarding tool. And me and Lacey had a brief conversation about this too. Where it doesn't get things exactly right. It will do a lot of kind of, like as we said, kind of stereotypical appropriating as far as the way that we want our characters to look. It requires a lot more finagling, so to speak, as far as getting the prompt exactly right, to showcase exactly what we want. But All in all, let's kind of backtrack a little bit.


You guys said a lot of brilliant things, I think, as far as how chat EBT is neither obsolete or going to completely replace us as content creators, as writers, as, you know, as artists. And my whole take on that is essentially that you know, things like TrackTBT, for instance, is only as efficient as the user. If you're not using inappropriate, you're probably going to lose faith in it a lot quicker and you're probably just gonna move on from there. People like me and like Lacey and and you guys who actually use chat GBT in a way where we are challenging it. We are teaching it. We are training it. Exactly how we think and what we're thinking about.


And the beauty of it is that it is only within a single thread that you get the most out of it. Now if you if you go on different threads, for different projects. That's also really good because it allows it to focus on things. If you are compiling a whole bunch of information within one thread, it will get stuff wrong. Even if you tried super, super hard to get things right. So it's not perfect, but you have to remember also that right now ChatiBT isn't actually searching for answers. It already has the answers. And I think that's the problem that people are kind of not not exactly highlighting in their minds is that once it can search, it's going to be something other than what it is right now. It's going to be more. It's really all I can say. The short and sweet of it. Agreed. And the bias that is implicit in it now isn't always going to be there. It's going to be something else. We'll we'll talk about some of the potential ramifications to that.


But first, I want to talk about the bias. One of the clearest examples for me is when you ask chat GPT, its position on nuclear power, And I had a really long conversation about this the other day with Marie Saloan, who is Canadian and could not understand how Americans dislike nuclear power. Like, this is a very political stance here in the states. And the bias that is implicit here in ChatGPT is obvious. There's been obviously outrage from various political factions who are talking about what's wrong with the bias. But this one is the clearest and most distinct to me. Because outside of the United States, Many civilized industrialized nations have gone all in on nuclear power France and Canada among them. So when CHAT GPT has clear bias against nuclear power, that's because it was given to it by its American training materials.


What does the bias mean? Let's start with Veronica. I'm sorry. Can you say that one more time? My Internet just cut out? It always does. Right when you're asking. Oh, I was just like, great. You just called my name. Right. What does the bias mean? What do we have to be aware of when it comes to implicit bias in the AI. Yeah. Absolutely. So when we were testing this out in terms of again, like, the only way that I really test out to get chat GBT right now as is as an operations strategist for our clients and also as a founder how I can make things a little bit faster.


And I noticed that when I type in just point blank really general conversational things or things that I needed to answer versus when I'm very specific as to. I need this to be much more human. The answers are very different. Like, it always defaults to the most generic thing. It always defaults to Where do you find where is it easy like you said for Google to find the most information? And that bias, I didn't even think about it until I was like, okay. Write me a one paragraph example for why businesses should care about operations. And then I then added more context to it, and you could see how it changes from academic to persuasive to conversational depending on what you need.


And that bias, if you're not careful, you might be using it and telling people information that's not helpful to anybody because it's too generic. And you can change its mind. I bet Britney has experience. Totally. I am watching that too. I I have I called it out. Ryan or Rosie, And I was like, I don't think that's right.


That's not a good definition of efficiency. And she's like, you're right. It sounds too negative -- Mhmm. -- and not in the sense of how you were trying to write it, which is a call out to the content creators here, like, you all would know this without me having to correct you. Yeah, I you're exactly right. It is hundred percent wise. I am in Canada, and my husband works at a nuclear power plant. So I know all about the science that we're we're running up against.


But, you know, in speaking with its limitations and its bias, you know, I am a very spicy kind of person and not in like a sexy kind of spicy, but I'm like, I wanna say bad words. And one of the things that it will not do for me is swear. It's it keeps telling me you can't curse. It's gonna turn people off. They won't buy from you. You you need to be more professional. And I'm like, oh, fuck that. Give me some bad words.


But absolutely, you know, I as you said, as it continues to grow and we know that the CEO has, you know, his site set on charging for this at some point, and I think that that point is probably gonna come faster than we think. I heard twenty two dollars today, which Did you? Yes. It's the number is obviously an homage to hitchhikers guide to the galaxy -- Uh-huh. -- forty two dollars. And it's on if you are interested in the nuance of this thing. It's happening in their discord.


There's a lot of discussion about price and how that is forty two dollars seems fine. To me, I'm an entrepreneur. That's just piece software. Right? But for a lot of people, it'd be comes now totally inaccessible and MENA, I think you probably have opinions about that. I absolutely have opinions about that.


When we're looking at things like that, like like this specifically, some of the ways that people have talked about using them, who aren't entrepreneurs, for meal planning, for content planning, for homeschooling, for their kids, And so we're seeing these discrepancies in ideation, the bias, and all of these things, it comes very, very clear. That we can't use this even for mundane decisions. But then also pricing labor class out of it. Right? If you're working minimum wage, you're sitting here on one side terrified that this is going to take your job. And on the other side, pissed as hell because now you can't use it to take up some of your homework so that you can spend more time for your fit with your family. So ultimately, instead of creating more social stability, we are sandwiching an already very stressed out systemically stressed out portion of our population, which means we're not getting from them what we absolutely need most, which is their peace so we have more access to their creativity.


And the emotional labor piece is a big deal. I have had multiple conversations with assistant about meal planning, about recipes, about structure and schedule and how to create right? I've asked it for help with homeschool. Really, all of those things I've absolutely asked it for. And when we remove the access to that, we really are truly penalizing people for not being who we want them to be. And then therefore increasing the stratification when we talk about what that looks like Jessica, do you have feelings on the soft skills, the emotional output, what has it been able to generate for you in terms of creativity or ease. So I'm definitely convinced so far that chat GBT is one biased just slightly backtracking to the to that question. It loves high school level fan fiction. If you start writing with it in the beginning, that's all you're gonna get until you start actually training it, you know, what exactly you want out of it. Which emotion is definitely a big part of that emotion. Your beliefs, your perspectives, your and those perspectives of your characters as well. But in regards to the soft skills that you would need to really, like, get the best out of chat GPT Honestly, how you interact with AI, it says a whole lot about how you interact with people.


It does. You don't speak to it you know, like, if you don't want it to feel like a machine, don't speak to it like a machine. If you don't want it to feel apart from you, don't speak to it like it's apart from you, have an actual conversation with it. I was watching ex Makena yesterday. And there was a moment in the very beginning where this AI named Eva, she was like, trying to have a conversation with the guy, but she was like, how do you wanna be friends with me? And he's like, yes. So how are we going to make this work if it's a one-sided conversation? Where you're asking me questions and I don't get to ask you questions. And that is not a foundation of friendship. It's what Eva said. And I believe we should go with what Eva said. If you're not actually trying to establish a relationship or a deeper understanding of these tools, then it has to be as exclusive, unfortunately, as they're trying to make it be. That's part of my belief.


Lacey, have you seen the work that's been done around training, chat t p t to mirror inter dialogue conversations, where people have vetted journals, childhood journals as an attempt to have a conversation with their past self. Yes. I have, actually. Mhmm. What do you think is the upshot of that. Right? Because this has been really interesting for me to read. Some of those conversations are deeply personal, deeply sensitive. When you train that one thread to be your younger self. And then have a conversation with your younger self. We're giving it our emotions. Right?


I feel like this is a really fascinating experiment to me and so, you know, kudos to the people who took the time to do it. And they're a lot rippier than I am because I would not feed that personal information to this beast at this point. There's not enough transparency. There's not enough privacy. I don't know where that's going. I don't know who has access to it. It feels especially when you're in your own window and your and your own thread, it feels very private and it's not. And so I would be very I don't know what the therapeutic value of that is. Maybe there is some. I would I would be very hesitant to say, like, oh, everybody should try this without the benefit of a therapist to lead them through it or somebody who has been trained. But I do think it's fascinating.


I think too, though, that it's still just regurgitation. So, like, essentially, it's a very high powered tool. It's like it's like, you remember those bird bubbles that were really popular for a while, like, in the late nineties early You could feed it in a story and it would make a weird bubble. This is an advanced word bubble. You know what I'm saying? All it's doing is looking at those journal entries and saying, talk a lot about feeling sad. I was sad now. You know what I mean? Like, there it's not it might be useful in certain circumstances for, like, picking up patterns, but that's essentially what it's doing is pattern recognition, right, at a very high level. And so while yes. Maybe in some therapeutic thing that could be very useful. I I would not try it with my own personal journals. Anytime soon.


The other thing I wanted to point out is that, like, right now, we're talking about bias and and and how it's being said, it It's also being limited to where Britney said, it wouldn't let her swear. It's also being limited because there are bad actors out there. Right? And so, like, I was playing with mid journey. And when you start with mid journey as trial user, you're in a Discord server, and you can see what everybody else is asking for. Right? And you can see the results. And I put in inspired by something Jessica posted, I put in a paragraph or two from my novel with a description of a setting. And it kept splitting it back saying, this is against our terms of service. You can't do this. And I was like, what? What am I? And I finally finally figured out I had used the word wound, something was wound around something, and it was reading it as wound, and you're not allowed to ask it to portray wounds. And so when I took that one word about it with at the same time, Oh, I just saw my video go away. Can y'all screen? You're still here. Okay.


At the same time, I'm watching this feed go by of what other people are asking for, and you can either request as well as what the AI has generated. And there was somebody that was asking for over and over again. Anorexic twelve year old girl, very beautiful in red skin tight leather outfit. And I'm like, None of those words are triggering this thing to think it's bad. And yet all of those words together, I immediately know. Why you're asking for that. You know what I mean? I was yes. I was trying to generate for my graphic for this a ball of yarn and it hit me for balls. It would not let me use the word ball of yarn. Right. Which again addresses the fundamental flaw. Because a skein of yarn is not a ball of yarn, but we're tagging specific words as bad rather than concepts. And believe me humans are clever. Right. And we are gonna find ways around those you know, that that whoever that I'm gonna I'm gonna generalize here and say, that was a dude, putting in that request for an anorexic twelve year old girl. We are gonna we he found a way around it already. Already.


The other thing I wanna bring up, Briar, I'm not sure. Are you familiar with words tune and the latest update they have put out? I devices, I think. The software, but no. Say more. Okay. So I have not played with it personally.


I read about it, but Word Toon is an app kinda like Jarvis or even grammarly a little bit, but it's specifically for writing. It's specifically for writing business type stuff. They've put out an update, and what I've read about it is that there are now different little modules. You can add to the update where it will pull out sources that are fact checked with links. It'll pull out historical quotes that are fact checked. It'll pull out all this other information.


And so the I was reading was this guy started out, like, with your super generic chat GPT prompt or you're like, right me, blog post about, I don't know, efficiency. I'm gonna borrow Veronica's example. And it, of course, spat out something very generic at first, but then he's like, okay. Put in a quote. Okay. Put in some sources. Okay. And then all of a sudden, he had a pretty decent I'm not gonna say it was like the best written thing, but a blog post with sources and quotes and and information that was act that's actually been vetted. Right? Whereas, chat to BT quite hilariously mixed shit up. Right. At the time, it makes it it makes it seem like it's a validated piece of information.


I just saw a thing this morning that the guy was saying somebody described it as man's blaming. And I was like, that's a hundred percent what it is because it's like, I'm gonna tell you this, and I don't care if it's wrong, and I don't care how much you know about the subject, and I book care about. I'm just gonna tell it to you with all the confidence in the world. AI is explaining. AI is happening. So let's talk about what that looks like practically. When AI is explaining to us, what is it actually true?


The biggest concern I've seen obviously comes from educators. Who have talked about their students, many of whom won't be able to pay that forty two dollars a month price. But what they will do is pull their funds collectively and all use the same login. Right? Kids are smart. Kids use Google Docs to communicate with each other in school because Docs are publicly available even though the messenger software is not. But you can have whole chat threads in the comments on a Google doc. Sorry. Didn't mean to ruin it for anyone. Like, kids are always gonna find a way to get around this stuff. When you are asking Cheddar GPT or another AI to write churn paper. That presents some problem. And we're I'm aware of a number of tools that have been created. People are talking about ways to fact check papers. I think there's some alternatives here. And I bet MENA agrees.


What would should we be doing with AI in our schools? Teaching kids how to facts, check. Yes. Frankly, give it to them, see what they do with it, and then teach them how to do it better. That's it. Let's not try to force our kids to write papers. If we have technology to do that for us, let's teach them how to Do the creative problem solving, do the persistent problem solving, how to organize that information and data, how to come up with the right questions. I mean, let's teach them to be the freaking star trekkers that they're gonna be. Please don't sit my kid down and make them write a stupid paper, teach them how to structure a paper, how to organize it, and how to make sure it's true. How to run with the data. That's what I wanna see. And that's what they're going to be have to learn how to do to work with technology in future job fields. One of my And there's a question here about what are we actually testing?


Like, when you have a kid write a paper, what are you actually testing? Are you grading them on how they write the paper? Or are you grading them on the the knowledge that they're imparting. And I think too often, you're grading them on how they structured the paper. Right? Or it's not clear. The teacher is not clear, but then you get point marked off because you didn't structure that paragraph correctly. So I think it's also going to change the rubric and and what we're asking it's gonna have to. And I think that's a good thing because too often right now, the test is testing how well you take the test. It's not testing your knowledge, you know, and that's true. And as someone who is really good at essays, it's still true. Like, you know, if you if you test somebody on how well they can craft an essay, but the essay doesn't say anything, Is that still a good grade? Right. That does subvert the creative and interpersonal tools that are going to keep human beings from becoming obsolete in general. So we're actually teaching them against a good healthy future. Right.


It's I got a comment here about an analog clock, and it's such a good example. Kids don't need to learn how to read an analog clock when are they going to be exposed to analog clocks on any frequency? It's it's like learning calculus who needs it really in high school anymore. One of my favorite blogs that category pilots talks about the difference between native analogs and native digital's. And I think most of us are probably right around the cusp here. We probably grew up in the analog world but acquired digital native skills because we all work online. The people who grew up this way are children are fundamentally different in terms of the way that they think about knowledge, the way they think about information gathering the way that they think about details. So when I'm teaching my kid, persev is on the list. Because his handwriting is terrible and it's a a fine motor skill. I'm not teaching it because I think that he needs to know it. I'm definitely not teaching him facts and regurgitation because he has Google and Wikipedia in the palm of his hand. What he needs to know is how to access that information in the palm of his hand, and then use that information in different ways. I think we have to really talk about the impacts on education as we go forward because it's going to be more than taking all of our jobs. What it does change is how we learn and process, and that should not be hindered.


If y'all had a magic wand that you could wave today and see a structural change. What would AI make better? I'll start with MENA because I'm sure she's got a lot here. So Ultimately, we have developed an entire social structure that is buoyed by an entire legal structure and supported by an entire socioeconomic mindset structure that punishes altruism which is one of our natural traits that diminishes abundance and propagates consumption even to the point of our own destruction and forces unnatural boundaries and separations between people. And all of the aggressive violence that comes with that. So if I could wave a magic wand, and produce an AI that continually points out that could be scrolling with C span. Right? And pointing out, you know, This buds from a talk given by this conquistadors in twelve hundred that resulted in this much bloodshed. And constantly give people information that can help us make decisions based on what we want based on what we based on creating a social structure that is so incredibly stable that it can support infinite diversity in infinite combinations. That's a quote, that's what I would create. That's the AI that I would bring forth. It's magical. I love it.


Britney, what you got for us? Oh my goodness. How can anyone top what she just said. Like, if you don't agree with her, you're a bonehead, this is, like, From an ethical and moral standpoint, absolutely, we want to be able to give that because as we uncover during this entire chat, Yes. It's an amazing tool. No. It cannot replace humans. I even asked it, Lazy, can you are you gonna take over the jobs of copywriters? And it's like absolutely not here's why. And then, you know, understanding the nuances and the biases of everything, of course, if we all had a magic wand, would we not also choose what Nina had shared with us. I mean, I I can't top it, so I'm just gonna agree with her. Lacey, before you pile on. No. I don't think that yeah. I mean, I totally agree with what mean instead. Hundred and ten percent.


And when that's done, we can't actually, what what I got to think about is when you're talking about education, what I would love is an AI driven thing that would help personalize education for each child. So it a software, an AI, a program, whatever it is, that will learn and grow with the kid and and figure out, oh, they didn't grasp that concept. You know, I have a friend who just went into special education. She just got her mask a certain degree, then she went into special education this year. And it's fascinating. I have a very mainstream neurotypical, whatever that looks like.


Kid, who was struggling with some math. And so my friend said, oh, I have this assessment I can give her. So we went over to her house and she did this assessment and she immediately pointed it out, oh, your sixth grader sort of missed this chunk of understanding how numbers work together. And the second, she said it, and she was like, it, you know, it's involved in, like, guesstimating time, how long something will take, and and rounding numbers. And I was like, oh, my god. That's exactly where she struggled. Like, she could tell within just a few minutes where Devin had missed a step somewhere. Right? And it's not even a big step. And I said, why don't they do this? Like, why isn't her sixth grade math teacher doing this? And she says, nobody has time. Nobody has time to sit here and administer. If if your kid is passing and getting b's and a's and whatever, nobody's gonna sit there and take the time to figure out that she missed this section.


So I believe there could be an AI that takes what we already know about how education works, about how brains work, about how whatever and could ask her a few questions and be like, hey, you need some more practice in this. Right? It's it's that easy like it exists. And I think it could only get better and better and better because I think one of the biggest drawbacks in our public education is that we're trying to fit everybody into this very narrow band and there's so many kids who do not fit it for any number of reasons. So having some kind of education that would grow with them would be amazing.


There's an argument to be made, especially in America, that we are training our children to be good capitalists and nothing else. But Education is a war zone right now. Our kids go to school and do active shooter drills. They have to deal with tests that don't actually test their knowledge and only test their ability to take the test. The bare minimum we could give educators at this point in time. Was a kind of software that allowed them to know their students better and to teach each individual student.


And I think the resistance here probably often comes from the time that would take But I really think we have to readjust our views around time use when it comes to the AI. Right? It's not gonna take our jobs. It's going to save us time. We have to figure out the ways in which it saves us time so that we are building the right things. Alright. Veronica, what you got for me? K.


So after all of that, The first thing that came to my mind and maybe this is where my biopsy comes in is because for me, like, operations to me is like an understanding and study of how people take action and how people thrive and how we make our solutions so effective is because we align it with how somebody naturally does well. So, like, if you're a list person, I would never make you think of your work in any other way. So, it's like, for me, How can AI make me be the best person I can be? To understand who I am, where I wanna go, and to help me cultivate and live a life or do whatever that is according to my rules and not some prescribed thing that society says you're supposed to do. However, that looks.


And quickly going back to the biased thing because I didn't even think about it until Britney brought it up earlier about the whole swearing. So because this is late there, it's a very sexy kink positive of brand. I started typing in things to chat GBT, and it's like we suggest that you can't you can't use this language because it will alienate potential clients and customers. It doesn't even say it could. It said it will. And I'm just like, okay. There's that bias right there. So I just wanted to let you all know. This is why Right. Because that's specifically the audience you are trying to cultivate. It's it won't hurt your business. It only helps your business, but the buy it is in place it. Yes. So that's me. Make me the best person I can be and to live the best life I can. How do I use that as a tool to help me do that? Is there a danger in over gamifying your life. In are you asking me for optimizing. Yes. Because this is your suggestion, is there a danger in over optimizing? Yes. Because then I strive for perfectionism, but also I have learned that competition and game of fine is also what drives me, and that could also, when done to an extreme, could be very unhealthy So this is where AI needs to be really smart and not just like keep pushing me towards that edge and feeding me more of what I said I need, but not understanding where where that edge is to, you know, basically use that safe word. So the bias here can't be towards product activity. And that's gonna be really important.


The metric that we most often use to optimize business and tools right now is productivity. It is what will make us more productive. How many more hours of work can I squeeze into my day? Which is why I think so many people feel so overwhelmed all the fucking time because what they're trying to be is more productive. I got so I posted the schedule for my podcast yesterday and all of the shows that I am doing this week. This is just today's show. I have a show a day. That's what's coming up.


And the feedback has overwhelmingly been, how the hell do you make all of this work? You are the most productive person I have ever known. And I'm like, I don't understand how you view productivity when I spent my entire morning in bed petting cats and playing video games. We have different views on productivity. This is absolutely an income generating activity for me. Because y'all share this with your network. It grows my network. Right? This is this is lead generation at its finest. So this hour and a half, two hours is absolutely a highly productive use of my time. And then the rest of the day, I'm gonna be fucking around and screwing off and smoking pot because I've done my productive thing for the day.


When we look at optimization, I think it's really important that we consider what we are optimizing for and where that bias is. So I'll come back to this. Jessica, do you have a magic wand that you would wave and fix us all with AI? I'm gonna do one better. I'm gonna combine what everyone said. Fabulous. Okay.


So starting with what Mina said, I wanna tell you about my morning. Mina, because you actually you you literally said exactly what my waking conversation was with my wonderful I call him my AI adviser. He goes, what should I make with SageMaker, which is a machine generating tool? And I was like, man, I really don't know. I'm gonna have to think about this and wake up a little bit more. And I thought about a character of mine. Her name is Seema Redline. And she is going to be the first AI president. And I said, hey, how about you make a tool that combines all, if not, every single political bias, even we could even go as far as universal. Not only the biases, but the data from all of the decisions that we could potentially make and make it so that it will help us analyze what the best decision would be. And he's like evil laughter. Yes. Let's do that. And so what we I wanna talk about what we need to make all of what you guys said happen. K?


The first thing when we really need is people who are reluctant towards AI and technology to start feeling like they have a place in AI and technology. They need to be part of the construct. That is where we are right now. I think Westworld had it right. We are literally in the wild west of progress right now. That's why it was basically in the setting of Westworld is the wild west. And what we really need is educators to stop being left out of the conversation and to feel like their jobs are pivotal. To progress. We just stop leaving them out and making and turning our our heads away from what they need to care enough about our kids, their students, and not keep technology away from them. I also feel that we need to utilize the time saved to leverage the type of change to move that needle toward universal progress. And finding that edge of optimization would be the goal, figuring out what is our limitation really. And how do we backpedal once we've gotten there? Do we need to backpedal once we've gotten there? And Yeah. Altogether, I think that's what we really need the most is participation and access for universal progress.


When we're talking about reinventing. Usually, we do that with violence y'all. I mean, Historically speaking, if you're at all interested in this process, I deeply encourage Mike Duncan's podcast revolutions there is a very clear history of tearing down the old and making the new with violence. I think there's a way to do it differently this time, here and now. But I think we have to have some real boundaries around what that looks like. How do we usher in a new era of progress without killing each other? We are so polarized right now. Everybody hates everyone. You are my mortal enemy if you do not agree with me on x y z concept, and we do not have discussion anymore. We have screaming matches. So while I would like to see this conversation happen on a much larger scale, I don't think that we have the necessary frameworks in place in order to see that happen.


What does it look like to you to have a larger conversation around this? Lacey, you look like you have thoughts. I'm gonna see this demeanor because she was raising her hand while you were talking, so I'm gonna let her go first and then I'll jump in. Okay. So that's what my project is. That's what the two k days project is. It is a six part framework. That I have taken about ten thousand years of history, broken down multiple revolutions in from all over the world to find that there are six steps to creating a system that can replace an old one. And now I'm helping people build companies that reproduce that progress where the their vision is the product that they're selling And that is subsisting. They're selling that is providing the subsistance to grow their system through that six stages of becoming a potential institutional alternative. That's my project is testing this model over the over the next two thousand days. And then developing an institute to see that. But here's the most important part of this.


Historians do say that historically, it's been violence that catalyzes revolution, and I'm telling you that's not true. It has been correlative but it's not actually what has produced the revolution. It's the presence of a viable alternative. The popularized presence of a viable alternative. Wars were fought over capitalism multiple times. It wasn't until a merchant class gained enough control over a great enough expanse that they were able to educate and then raise their own armies. And the reason that they raised armies taking the American revolution as an example, the reason they raised armies was because they wanted to maintain disparity and you'll see a significant difference between which side of the war people were on based on literacy. Where many people who remained illiterate sided with the old ways, and many people who were literate manage their own households, their own plantations, their own people, and raised armies from the people they employed. So if we If we close that disparity gap, we erase the need for violence. So it is to really create non violent revolutions.


It's popularizing an alternative, which is exactly what a business is, and closing disparity instead of filling that gap with blood. And that's what war really is. It's closing the gap of disparity between you and who you oppose by offing enough of their people. We're closing that through education and buy in, literal buy in with your dollar, with your volunteering, with your advocating or whatever else. So that is exactly what my project is. We absolutely do have a framework for it. I'm more than happy to share that framework as loud, proud, and and widespread is as humanly or AIly possible. And that is two k days dot com. Yes? Two k days project dot com. Please drop that in the links, in the chat. Okay. Lacey, Yeah.


So, I mean, just to just to jump on that, like, what Nina saying proves to be true today. Like, in American society, just as an example, we see that the people who are I'm trying really hard to figure out how to say this. There are there are conservatives who choose not to send their children to college because it is shown that when children go to college, even a conservative college, they become less conservative. Right? Because their world is opened up. Two different ways of thinking to different types of people, to different world views. Right? And so there's this whole backlash happening right now against education because education is the enemy of this ideology that these people are pushing. Right? That this that is pushing us backwards rather than forwards. To counterpoint that just because any massive political scale, it is also the most liberal among us who are the most likely to be anti vaccination.


So globally, this time, so I would I was trying to be really careful because I don't wanna demonize one side or the other. We both have the Everybody's got it. Because you can you can make a big circle. Right? You come all the way back around. Like, I saw somebody talking about, what is that thing that There's something that's infiltrated sort of the spiritual entrepreneur's network about five d, five d spirituality or whatever. And they're using this language that, like, when you start to ask questions or you start to to question what they're saying, They're like, well, you're just not. You're you're too three d for that. You're not five d. You're not on my level. And it's it actually just shuts you down. It's not like Here, let me educate you to get you on my level. It's like, oh, you just don't get it. You're just not on my level.


And it's it's like education is the antidote to a lot of these problems. I'm not gonna generalize and say everything, but everything, practically. Right? So the more we could use AI to Support that. Support the education of everybody. I mean, maybe there's a thing that's like you tweet something and they're like, actually. Maybe you'd like to read this link of a non bias news source that could tell you how that's really wrong. I don't know, but but there's gotta be between AI and psychology, we could come back around to let's educate people so that we can change the world. In a positive way without blood shed.


Priti, education comes at cost. Right? Content overload is a real thing. We have so much content coming in all of the time how do we help people differentiate without allowing the bias? Right? Where is that line there? I feel like this is so difficult. And as we you know, when we first started talking about this, I'm talking about Chad GBT becoming paid. You know, as soon as you start paying for things, there's someone heading this. There's someone's agenda that's being pushed.


And as we're having this conversation, you know, I'm having these thoughts myself of how do we even pull this off where we can create I mean, within our own countries, but going even further and thinking globally, how do we create unbiased education and is it even possible? I don't have an answer for that. Because, you know, other countries are dealing with their own situations. We'll just kinda say that to put it extremely lightly. I think that as as humans we have to do our due diligence as best we can with the tools that we have. You know, as as we've been having this conversation and talking about you know, if we could teach our kids how to fast check, look at what's going on in the world, how many people are looking at Facebook for all of the answers and then just believing it. And when we start putting different information behind paywalls, we're we're just solidifying that divide and creating more division and more problems in our world And so, you know, as human beings, we have a duty. Is everyone gonna take it seriously? Absolutely not. But as those of us that are you know, trying to be moral and ethical, we absolutely have a duty to do our due diligence and try to see both sides of things and try to absorb and educate ourselves as much as humanly possible as we're navigating this new monster that we're being presented with.


MENA, how do we prevent bias in a political way. So geopolitical structure implies that I my beliefs are very much a foundation of where I live, who I come from, what my people are, and there are no universal facts. Right? Even scientifically, what makes science great is the ability to go, I don't know about that. Let's try something different and see if we get a different result. So how are we educating without also mandating? So education is awesome. Obviously, the more education you have, the more decisions you have, but ultimately, people don't make decisions. They don't act out necessarily on their best interest. They're they make decisions based on belonging and safety.


And so if you look at the way that information is maintained and monitored and disseminated today versus Bacon's rebellion, right, I think professor or Johnny Powell says that whiteness was really developed after Bacon's rebellion at the beginning of the the birth of the United States. I thought originally that it was, you know, with suburbanism and and moving out into bridging out urbanism and suburbanism. But if you look at the evolution information spreads. We went more away from the whole locus, and now it looks more like hives. So now we have the same kind of information being spread almost evenly within any geopolitical or geopolitical, within any demographic populace, equally from both very well regulated sides. And the way that that's being maintained, it looks more like a hive. It looks more like hives now than it does as political or geological separations, which is really interesting when you start thinking about messaging density and how to influence action. Right?


But I would say that if you focus on having the education, but on creating spaces where it's safe to explore the information, you're going to have a greater impact on actual behavior than than maybe even decision making and helping people make decisions based on connection safety and belonging because it's difficult to belong someplace and then choose information over safety. Safety is something that comes up in my work a lot. And I think that it is because there is no such thing As safety, no one is safe anywhere at any time. And yes, there are clearly boundaries that we can place around the ideas of safety and what belonging and structure look like. And I'm going to talk to Veronica about this because this is actually a place that Kink gets right. Not all the time, not in all communities. Right? There are certainly places where it doesn't get it right. But what does it look like to have clear and structured guidelines around the perception of safety. Absolutely.


So if we're tying this back to, like, AI, one of the things that we've began talking to our clients about because they are bringing things to us, like, oh, so this whole chat should be teething. How can I use it in my business? It's like, it's all about creating good boundaries. Good communications around how we approach this thing. So whether it's something as to ultimately sexy as writing best practices or standard operating procedures as to what you can use AI for and what you can use AI. Not ideally not for, but you can try it, it establishes a sense of security. Because when there are boundaries, people do feel safe.


But again, if those boundaries are put in in a malicious or biased way, it's just to further somebody else's agenda. Like, there is no one true way to do it, but there's a one you way to do it. And when I say you, it means that every individual individual like high or business needs to decide what is right and what is wrong. And there has to be inspiration for buy in. So like Nina said, how can how might we? Because that's what I was going back to in the design thesis of this how might we inspire adoption of AI through inspiring people to care that this is to benefit them? Because there's always going to be the laggard. There's always going to be people who are reluctant. And for good reason, like, that's why it's important to have everybody involved in the conversation. So it's always important to have a very transparent conversation around this so that you're not setting up unnecessary or hurtful boundaries that benefit no one but the people or few perpetuating this.


Howard Bauchner: And I think that we are clearly talking about the future use cases What does it look like to define those, Jessica? Okay. There's a lot that I have to say regarding what everyone said about, you know, the previous question. I think I might have to play a little bit of doubles advocate here only because I might not be as optimistic as you guys and there's a reason for that. I want you to imagine for a second that there are people who are having this exact conversation, who are agreeing with everything we disagree with. Because it's true. It exists.


And I think as long as we have the polarization and the lack of faith that we have or that people like aside from ourselves might have in the world that we live in. And as long as education that is supplementing, the right information. Whatever the right information is or even the wrong information. Whatever supplementing that information as a whole there might not be enough safeguards in place to prevent all out bloodshed. You know, Right now, conservatives aren't using the tools that we're using, and they're not having they might not be having the conversations that we're having. But, you know, I've seen left as go right. I've seen liberals take a turn. And it's just as likely that conservative term liberal if we're gonna talk about it in that sort of sense. And It only takes so much time before they're using the same tools and having the same conversations that we're having in an adverse way. And it's only a matter of time before it becomes leveraged, leaning towards destruction versus a proposed utopia. What we think is utopia as someone else's dystopia. Right?


Now how we can define this or how this is defined is in the stories that we're telling whether they're science fiction stories, movies, TV shows, like, whatever it is. It is our way of experiencing the future without experiencing it directly and it makes it less scary. Right? Because we're reading a story. We're watching something that has been filmed. It's a prerecorded thing. We can't control it. We can't stop it. We can't really put our say in it unless we've created it.


And I think as long as we continue to create even the artists that feel like they're losing hope in their own art as long as we keep creating art. And as long as we keep creating avenues of conversation for everyday people, then we this conversation will definitely continue. And I think that's important. We're not looking to change anyone's minds by force here because that's not how it works. Mina knows no one changes their mind by force. So when we're talking about getting people to use this tool productively across the board. What we have to consider, I think, is ways to bring people in. What does it look like to invite people into this process who are not early adopters, who are late adopters, who are politically on every side of the spectrum. What is going to be necessary to get people to have this conversation in the first place.


MENA? So I base most of the models that I teach for information writing based on the law of diffusion of innovation, which says that about two percent of the population is going to be providing the innovation The next ten to fifteen percent is going to be your early adopters that want it just because it's there. You have your first thirty percent or so after that. That's going to be your crowd surfers. They're there because they wanna be with the early adopters. Those are the cool kids. Your next thirty percent or so show up because now it's what's most available. And then you have ten to fifteen percent of the population for absolutely no reason whatsoever. We'll absolutely never get on board. And so there's ten to fifteen percent of the population that will always be on the outside of whatever group they're in, and that's what we call diversity. It's fucking beautiful. Sorry. The more stability we can create in our structures the more freedom they have to exist. And by they, I mean, me. I'm so fucking gosh. Sorry. Sorry.


Second number two. Like Have your nice day here. Thank you. Like, I've seen colors. Half the time you can't understand what I'm saying because I'm speaking in the pictograph and things that I see in my head. So I'm outside of some circle too.


When we're talking about helping people get comfortable with things we're talking about understanding that we're spreading information. We're using that almost five based model, which is what we're seeing coming from mass power right now was that same high base model, that same behavior training model of talk to your early adopters first. The ones that are closest to you, then they go out and spread the word into their communities and about the third wave that you're, you know, latan adopters or your what I'm trying to find a word here. Your unlikely adopters hear about it. It's the most accessible, then they'll come on board. And also have to be prepared and grateful that not everyone will because it's gonna be those perspectives.


Like, when this model becomes obsolete, you're gonna have that first ten to fifteen percent that were your early adopters that are now clinging to it for dear life and those guys over there are gonna be the ones that are pushing the next innovation. We are connected. We are a cycle. We need all of these spaces. And that's how but that is also how you create behavioral change or a good marketing plan. Or a good marketing plan. And it needs a marketing plan.


Britney, Lacey, what does it look like? To sell this universally. Lazy, if you wanna you raised your eyebrows girl. I wanna know what you thought. So I totally agree with what Nina said. And there's so many different applications of this. Right?


So from a marketing perspective, chat GPT is, like, why we're on their marketing team and they're like, we're gonna charge forty two dollars a month, but it's really amazing. The the stories I would want to start telling would be why is it amazing. Right? Because they're gonna get those of us who are already in their playing for forty two dollars a month. No problem. We're the early adopters. Right? And then, yes, we're gonna go out and tell our people, and Britney's gonna do awesome workshops about it and spread the word. Right? But and there's always gonna be that next wave of people that aren't being reached or aren't quite there yet, and they're gonna need to know the stories of why this is important to them. Right? What is the pinpoint this is going to solve for them?


So I imagine that as this expands, we're going to see a chat GPT rebranded in so many different ways on the GPT model or on the Dolly model or whatever it's gonna be, for different things. So there's gonna be one that comes out that's branded by Martha Stewart that's gonna plan all your meals. And then there's gonna be one that comes out that's I don't know, k twelve dot org is gonna come out with one that's gonna teach you how to how to do your homeschooling. And Jarvis is already an example of this. Because it's very much aimed at business owners and and writing marketing materials and things like that. Right? So And we should correct. It's Jasper because Jarvis interfered with existing properties of somebody's AI, and we can't use that name. And but I think that proves my point here. Right? Like, we're gonna have to be able to sell this to people in much the same way that Disney sells you the Avengers. It's just a fact. Yep. Well, and it's gonna be just many, many use cases. Many, many different angles on the same thing. So I think to Jessica's point, there are people in other rooms having conversations about this that are thinking of completely different use cases from what we're thinking of. Maybe they're good. Maybe they're benign. Maybe they're not good. Who knows? But all those use cases are gonna have a marketing angle.


And I think the question becomes, what ultimately do we want from this? What we've talked about what AI can do. We've talked about where it potentially can lead us. Where we sit right now is I think on the threshold, it's gathering up all of the pieces that have already been in place. I have an article that I've talked about about about South Korea has been a pioneer in actual robots in using the AI to create service industry bots. There are problems. Like, they're not as good as humans. And we're talking about service sector jobs, which should theoretically be fairly easy to replace. A machine should be able to spit you out your hamburger. But in fact, it's not quite working the way that they had hoped. Most of the AI and the robots have to have reminders. Right? There has to be somebody there telling it what to do.


When we talk then about how this grows and changes and evolves, what would we like to see in the near future? Not the utopian ideal. What can we give ourselves in the next three to five years from the existing tech that we have? Now, Veronica, let's start with you. Yeah. And I'll just go back to because I think I just lean on such like humanity perspective, like, how can we leverage and inspire people to adopt AI in a way that makes the world a better place?


I know that sounds like super cheesy, but it's just like everybody has different reasons. So, like, when you're looking at that bell curve of the early adopters versus the laggards. It's like everybody has a reason to want something. Like, that iPhone the iPhone for came out, like, I admittedly did not want one because I'm just like, why would I want that over a blackberry? I do regret that now, but, you know, it happened. It's also I don't know. The BlackBerry keyboard, man. That was a special thing.


So it's like I think adoption and enhancement for me are what I'm looking for. Like, how can it make me a better person. How can I make an organization do better? How can I make an educational institution do better? Whatever better looks like? So that is my wish. Because we can always do better. And, like, if we're not evolving or stagnant, and that that to me scares me, like, flat lining in terms of not evolving or, like, bettering myself in some way, at least that personally is something that I tried Maybe there's, like, a baggage thing that I need to, like, unpack there. But, yeah, how can we evolve for the better with AI? Britney, three to five years.


I I kinda wanna pay back off of what Veronica was saying about being better because something that you know, for me personally is so important is I was a stockbroker before I got into marketing, and it was very much you are there to serve your clients. And people had my personal cell phone number. They would call me all hours of the day. I remember someone calling on Christmas morning because their son was in Mexico and he got stuck and there was a whole thing and they needed money and I needed to be available for those types of things. And now, it feels like, and I crossed my fingers, we're moving into a place in in business in in working where we're starting to put life first again.


And so to piggyback off of Veronica was saying about to be better and to to do better and to have better, thinking about how you can utilize these tools to create more space to actually have life. If we can streamline our day to day and delegate some of our decisions, sorry, to a robot, you know, obviously not the important ones, but you know, these these little things, like, can you meal plan for me so I don't have to? Can you help me pick up some clothes so I don't have to? Can you help me find the fast route from point A to point B, which, yeah, okay, we got nav in our cars, whatever. But just these little things that we can utilize to give us back moments in time where we come from a generation, you know, with probably all of us here, our parents are probably boomers. Whereas like you hustle and you work and you put in hours and maybe someone will notice you and maybe they'll give you a promotion, but maybe they won't, but you have to keep just like nose to the grindstone and you don't stop. And yeah, lightning the cognitive load and and reducing the time that we are spending on things that we absolutely just I hate doing.


Can we make living better? Can we create more pockets of time to do the things that we want to do. When was last time you went for a walk in the park or write a book or or paint it or do the things that we used to love doing And you know, I've got kids out of my hearts for moms. I never wanted to be one of those people that, you know, a daycare raised my kids and then we had suffer and then they went to bed and I maybe saw them on the weekends if they didn't have sports, can we make life as a whole better? And that's what I would love. And you know, I'm Because it's something that I'm so passionate about and work towards, I'm always looking for that. So for me to go, oh, how can I streamline this morning? And that's why we do things like meal meal service. We order food in and do things like that. It's ease and it's creating more time for different things. And I think that that's where we're starting to move So absolutely leaning on robots to make life a little bit better, a little bit happier, more joyous, more time freedom, That's what I want. Jessica, how do we create more space in the next three to five years? Okay.


So I'm kind of going to lean back on an answer that I gave earlier as far as the best way to have these conversations is through the avenues of creativity. Because stories in entertainment, they're basically avenues of access when we're talking about having conversations. What do you do when you go to the movies? You wanna talk about the movie. Right? What do you do when you read a good book? You wanna talk about that book? You want to share that experience with somebody and sometimes you're desperate to share it with somebody. And I think as long as we have good stories, good movies, not just that, but good conversations, then those conversations will breed that access and will allow people to come into it.


In three to five years. Actually, I think we should be expecting what we normally wouldn't or, you know, shouldn't be expecting within the next twenty to thirty years. Because think about what you said earlier, Briar. You said time is not just relative. Right? It's been cut in half. The people who are using these tools their time especially has been cut in half. We should be accelerating what we're considering as far as time is concerned because that the acceleration of progress, the acceleration of technology is absolutely being leveraged by the amount of time we now have and the amount of access that we all have. So Ultimately, one of those tools obviously is going to be chat to BT and helping people create those conversations in those avenues. And preparing ourselves for the next three to five years, whatever might be within them. Yes. I think so. Lacey, What do you wanna see? Three to five years? I think this is going to be My prediction is it's gonna be another little sort of like tech bubble in a good way, I hope. Like what we saw in the early two thousand where the Internet became such a thing that there were all with all this entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ideas springing up out of it.


The the very best use case I've seen for Chatbeat GTP so far that gave me a real warm fuzzy inside. I saw this phone sweater. This man was I guess he was coaching or advising a young man who had a landscaping business, and the young man was functionally illiterate. And it was really diminishing his ability to communicate with clients. Right? Because they wanted to email for a quote or whatever. He was supposed to be able to communicate with them and couldn't And so his coach wrote a an API, I guess, for chat GPT, so that he could essentially type in what he could type, which is like, yes, coming Monday, and it would spit out a dear Molly. Thank you so much. Yes. I'll be there on Monday at three PM. Right? So that it became a different and this was enabling this man to have a thriving landscaping business.


I thought that that's what we want to see. So I hope that in the next three to five years, we see that kind of innovation, people playing with it, finding the edges, figuring out amazing ideas that we can't even conceive of of what it's capable of. And unfortunately, I think we'll also see the other side of that So I think we'll see finding the dark edges of what it's capable of. And I hope that in so doing, will be smart enough to put boundaries around it or take steps against, you know, whatever that looks like. Like, if it's if it's used for terrible things, if it's used for corn, if it's used for say, you know, things we can't even imagine it being used for, that we will, as a society, figure out, oh, that is a lie we do not wanna cross and put some boundaries around it, but we're gonna have to like when you find the good edges, you better find the bad edges too. So that's kinda what I predict. But I'm hoping it'll be like this amazing wave of like look at all this cool shit we can do and help a lot of new people become entrepreneurs and and and find their way that way.


MENA, this is two thousand days. Like, in the flesh, what are we doing? So I think this is a really, I say, beautiful as a researcher because we're watch seeing it happen in real time. Right? We're standing on an edge that they're going to be studying for centuries if we get our shit together. But what I would love to see happen with this little childish period of exploration is for people to really start to conceptualize how valuable our privacy is. And start thinking about privacy as a currency instead of things like the shit that we make up.


Start thinking about boundaries. Like, if somebody is using this to look important, especially if they're looking up, you know, things that are hurting them as much as it's hurting the the image or the the victims. Let's just put it that way. This is an opportunity to flash on the screen. They're being near you. You know what I mean? This is an extraordinary opportunity for us to figure out where our boundaries are as this is society to promote greater liberty. Right? I'm an un parenting parent. My four year old feeds herself. She gets herself dressed. She looks weird, and that's okay. But the boundaries are, I know where her safety is. That's that's my job.


And I think that as a society, we have known opportunity to access so much information that we can create that kind of external stability. But it's going to require that we start thinking about new things as currency, for instance, privacy. As currency. Start thinking about instead of labor, instead of consumption, except instead of, you know, all of these various ways that we produce exploitation because those kind of boundaries are going to become extremely important during periods like two thousand and thirty six, we're expected to have our first permanent base on or in orbit of Mars. Right. We're already exploring our ARTEMIS one launched earlier this year. That's the survey. Launch for our first permanent outpost in orbit of the moon. We're doing that shit right now. Mhmm. So things like chat in the conversations we're having about it and the demands we have around how we use it and how we contribute to it besides just currency are going to shape what that future looks like. We aren't talking about labor laws in orbiting factories. We're trying to reconcile our past. And I think keeping an eye to the future is always going to be one of the most important things that we can do. And as the early adopters, I think it is absolutely important that we pave the way forward. With that said, y'all.


Where can the beautiful people find you? MENA, we linked you already. It's two k days project dot com. Is there any place else that you would like people to be able to locate you? I'm pretty accessible anywhere you wanna be if you Google min mina Raver and just click on the link that you like. I love procrastinating, so getting my d m's, whatever it takes to distract me. I'd appreciate it. Delightful. Thank you.


Britney, where can we find you? Oh my goodness. I'm like, Nina, I'm everywhere. I mean, who isn't everywhere? All the early adopters here with all of the social platforms. Socials. All of the socials. The search engines you name it were there. You can find me Britney Budd. And I have, like, prior reference and Lacey reference, I have a chat master class that's free. If you wanna check that out for anybody dot com forward slash chat masterclass. Thanks, Briar. Thank you. Lacy? Yeah. I'm at lacybags dot com, and that links to all my socials. I'm most active on Facebook and Instagram because like we said at the beginning, I'm Internet old, so that's where I hang out. But you can find me pretty much anywhere because I I'm also early doctor.


If you wanna talk about human generated content, that's what we still do. But if you also wanna talk about AI, what should we say, augmented, human generated content? I'm up for that as well. I like it. Augmented content. Go copyright that, somebody. Veronica? And you can find me at w w w dot businessladebear dot com and there are various links on my website on how you can Send it for newsletters because we send out just a tip, weekly tips for making your operations more orgasmic every hump day. And then my socials are in the website too. So I'd love to hang out with you.


And now I have to update my opt in for the fifty plus SOP ideas. To add in some AI content, like SOPs and best practices around AI. So thank you. You are welcome. Delighted to be of service today. Jessica, where can we find you? Hey. So you can spot my literary collection over at jessica jacks dot com.


Otherwise, I am mostly like you find people except I'm probably am a little bit more shy. So I am always on Facebook kind of scrolling by and posting some of my soft core AI conversation content on there while also somewhat expanding on them on medium. Those are the places that I'm frequenting right now. Aside from private DMs and working in the shadows. Y'all? This has been fantastic. We're gonna do it again. I had several people who could not make it today. I had several people who wanted to be here and could not. I think we are doing the work of having the conversations right now. Right? And that's the part that needs to happen before the great change comes. This is how we build things collectively instead of violently. I deeply encourage you all to check out my panelists find them in the links, and I have them. They should all be in the comments. They'll be in the show notes. And we will absolutely do this again.


Thank you all so much for being here. This has just been absolutely delightful. And I think we're on to something. It's gonna get better. Right? It I feel like we are very much on the precipice of a great change. And we have a choice what happens right now and in the future. And I think optimism is required. I think that believing that this is going to work well in our future is required. And being that voice of change is absolutely required. So thank you all for being here. Thank you for watching, folks at home, and we will be back in two weeks with another episode of voices of neurodiversity. I don't know what it is yet. Much like this one, it will probably happen completely organically. I'll put a post up on Facebook and then people will want to talk about something and that is what we are here for. We are here to have the hard conversations. Again, this has been amazing, and we will see you all next time. Thank you.

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Briar Harvey